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Salesforce Divisions Cheatsheet

Salesforce Divisions Cheatsheet


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If you need more information about the implementation guide, you can read the Table of Contents below.





Divisions let you segment
your organizations data into
logical sections making
searches list views and
reports more meaningful to

Divisions can improve user experience in the following ways
Divisionspecific searches allow users to see what is most relevant to them This includes sidebar
searches advanced searches and lookup dialog searches
Divisionspecific list views allow users to see what is most relevant to them
In the following cases divisionspecific reports are faster than if divisions were not enabled
The report does not have selective filters that include fields such as Name Created Date
Last Modified Date or Record Type

Best Practices
Your organization may
benefit from divisions if

The data can be divided
into three or more logical
sections that do not
share data
Most divisions will be
roughly equal in size
and no single division
will be dramatically
larger than the others

Enabling divisions is
irreversible After
implementing divisions you
cannot revert back to a state
that does not have division

The division is no larger than one third of the organizations data
The Affected by Divisions user permission lets you decide which users will see these changes Users
without this permission cannot limit searches list views or reports by division

If you are considering divisions be aware of the following
Divisions are not recommended if data is shared across divisions Shared accounts and shared
opportunities cannot belong to more than one division
Each user can have only one default division which applies to the new accounts leads and custom
objects they create Therefore divisions are not recommended if you have numerous users that would
own data in several divisions
However note that users can always view records in all divisions Divisions do not provide any type
of security for your records Users can also create records in other divisions if the Division field is
added to their page layouts
Records without a parent record for example a contact not associated with an account are
automatically routed to your organizations global division

If unparented records are created via the Lightning Platform API those records are given the default

division of the API user who created them

Best Practices
Inform users about cosmetic
changes after divisions are
enabled such as division

If you decide to implement divisions use the following tips to prepare
Contact Salesforce to guide you through the implementation process
Carefully plan the queries that you will use to section your data
Read the online help for divisions Topics on divisions are in the online help index

Last updated March

Getting Started With Divisions

Implementation Process

Implementation Process
If you are sectioning less
than records into
divisions the records will be
transferred immediately If
you are sectioning or
more records into divisions
you will receive an email
notification when the
transfers are complete

Allot sufficient time for the implementation you may want to wait until the start of a weekend or the
end of a business day
Have Salesforce enable divisions for your organization This automatically creates the standard global
From Setup enter Manage Divisions in the Quick Find box then select Manage Divisions
to create divisions
For custom objects select Enable Divisions on the custom object edit page
From Setup enter Mass Division Transfer in the Quick Find box then select Mass
Division Transfer to transfer leads accounts and custom objects into their relevant divisions The
records associated with a record inherit the division of that record
Add division fields to page layouts as appropriate
Add divisions to fieldlevel security as appropriate
Set users default division and enable the Affected by Divisions permission
