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Distribute Your Apps
Salesforce Spring

Last updated December

Copyright Salesforce Inc All rights reserved Salesforce is a registered trademark of Salesforce Inc as are other

names and marks Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners


Which Trial Method Is Right for My AppExchange Solution
Custom Branding for Trialforce
Create and Edit Your Trialforce Source Organizations
Create a Trialforce Template

SignUps Using the API

Create a Signup Request
Signup Request Details



The first step to offering trials of your AppExchange solution is to pick a delivery method You can provide trials on your AppExchange

listing using test drives or Trialforce orgs or you can provide trials on your website using SignupRequest API Learn about the differences

between trial methods and decide which options work best for your business
Tip Choose one trial method or severalits up to you In general the greater the variety of options the more likely that prospects
are to convert
Trial Method

Where Are Trials Delivered

How Does It Work



Your AppExchange listing

Using a Trialforce Management Org Offer flexible trial experiences
or Environment Hub you create a
using environments that

Trialforce Source Org TSO install

prospects can keep and
your solution and add sample data

Using your TSO you create a

Add optional branding to your
Trialforce template
trial experiences
On AppExchange your prospect
requests a trial They receive login
credentials for a unique trial org
based on your Trialforce template

Test Drive

Your AppExchange listing

Using a preconfigured Trialforce
Offer curated trial experiences
template you create a test drive org
using environments that dont
install your solution and add sample
require setup or customization
Give the widest range of
On AppExchange your prospect
prospects the opportunity to
requests a test drive Theyre directed
explore your solution including
to a readonly org that doesnt
prospects with little Salesforce
require login credentials
Provide your prospects instant
access to a test org



Your website using an HTML signup Using a Trialforce Management Org Give prospects who visit your

or Environment Hub you create a
website the ability to try your

Trialforce Source Org TSO install

your solution and add sample data
Offer flexible trial experiences

Using your TSO you create a

using environments that
Trialforce template
prospects can keep and
On your website your prospect
requests a trial They receive login
Add optional branding to your
credentials for a unique trial org
trial experiences
based on your Trialforce template

Which Trial Method Is Right for My AppExchange Solution

Custom Branding for Trialforce

Custom Branding for Trialforce
If you use Trialforce you can optionally set up a branded login site and emails By applying your companys look and feel to a login

site and emails customers are immersed in your brand from signup to log in Apply custom branding only for nonCRM solutions

Dont apply it to solutions that extend Salesforce CRM and require standard objects such as Leads Opportunities and Cases

Create and Edit Your Trialforce Source Organizations
Use the Trialforce Source Organizations page to manage your Trialforce source organizations
Create a Trialforce Template
Create a template to simplify signing up trial organizations

Custom Branding for Trialforce
If you use Trialforce you can optionally set up a branded login site and emails By applying your
companys look and feel to a login site and emails customers are immersed in your brand from

signup to log in Apply custom branding only for nonCRM solutions Dont apply it to solutions

that extend Salesforce CRM and require standard objects such as Leads Opportunities and Cases

With a branded login page you can specify your login domain and login site

A login domain ends with cloudforcecom so if your company name is mycompany

your login domain is mycompanycloudforcecom


Available in Salesforce
Available in Developer

Your custom login site includes your text and company logo and a mobilefriendly version of
your login site


With branded emails you can specify fields in systemgenerated emails so that your company
name address and other details are used in email correspondence You can create multiple branded
email sets for different campaigns or customer segments

To manage Trialforce
Customize Application

Branding isnt available for Trialforce Source Orgs created in the Environment Hub
Trialforce Branded Login Site
Use the Trialforce Branded Login Site page to create publish and edit a login page that has your companys look and feel
Trialforce Branded Email Sets
Trialforce Email Branding allows you to modify systemgenerated emails so that they appear to come from your company rather
than from Salesforce Trialforce Email Branding only applies to users who sign up for your application through Trialforce

Which Trial Method Is Right for My AppExchange Solution

Trialforce Branded Login Site

Trialforce Branded Login Site
Use the Trialforce Branded Login Site page to create publish and edit a login page that has your
companys look and feel


If you havent set up a login site yet click Set Up Login Site

Available in Salesforce

If youve already set up a login site click Publish to make the site available or Launch Site
Editor to make changes After you publish the Login page you cant edit the subdomain
Choose a Trialforce Login Site Domain
Choose a subdomain for customers to log in to your application Usually the subdomain is the
name of your company
Create a Branded Login Page
Customers typically log in to your app using the traditional loginsalesforcecom

site A branded login page enables you to customize this domain and parts of this login page

so you can provide a branded experience for your customers

Available in Developer


To define package
Package Branding

Design Your Login Pages
Use the Login Branding Editor to design your login pages

Choose a Trialforce Login Site Domain
Choose a subdomain for customers to log in to your application Usually the subdomain is the name of your company
Important After you publish the Login page you cant edit the subdomain
In the field provided enter a name
Click Check Availability
Accept the terms of use
Click Save and Launch Editor

Create a Branded Login Page

Customers typically log in to your app using the traditional loginsalesforcecom site A

branded login page enables you to customize this domain and parts of this login page so you can
provide a branded experience for your customers
Your custom login site includes your text and company logo and mobilefriendly versions of your
login site as well
Log in to your Trialforce Management Organization


Available in Salesforce
Available in Developer

From Setup enter Login Site in the Quick Find box then select Login Site
Click Set Up Login Site


Select a subdomain for your login site by providing a name in the field provided Usually the
subdomain is the name of your company

To manage Trialforce
Customize Application

Note A login domain ends with cloudforcecom so if your company name is

mycompany your login domain is mycompanycloudforcecom
Check the availability of the domain and then accept the terms of use

Which Trial Method Is Right for My AppExchange Solution

Trialforce Branded Login Site

Click Save and Launch Editor
Use the Login Brand Editor to change how your login page looks For additional help using the editor click Help for this Page
Click Save and Close

If youre ready to make these changes available to your TSO click Publish

If you decide to publish later your changes are saved and you can edit the subdomain if you change your mind After you publish
the Login page you cant edit the subdomain

Design Your Login Pages
Use the Login Branding Editor to design your login pages


Log into your Trialforce Management Organization
From Setup enter Login Site in the Quick Find box then select Login Site
At the top of the editor click the tab for the login page size Desktop or Mobile
In the left pane expand the Page Header node and click Select File to choose your company
logo for each size screen your app supports
In the Logo Link Use custom link field optionally enter a web address to be used when a

customer clicks your logo such as your corporate website The URL must start with http

or https If you leave this field blank your logo will not have a link

Expand the Page Content node and paste the URL of the trial signup link into the Trial SignUp

Link Use custom link field This is the link your prospects will click to request a free trial on
your website Typically ISVs create a separate signup page for this purpose

Available in Salesforce
Available in Developer


To manage Trialforce
Customize Application

Provide URLs for the right and bottom of the page If you leave these fields blank the frames default to the ones used on the Salesforce
login page
Expand the page footer and provide your company name and font color
Expand the page background node and provide a background image and color
At the top of the page click Save and Close
On the Branded Login Site page click Preview for the size of the page you want to see Make sure your login page appears correct
for each login page your app supports

Which Trial Method Is Right for My AppExchange Solution

Trialforce Branded Email Sets

Trialforce Branded Email Sets
Trialforce Email Branding allows you to modify systemgenerated emails so that they appear to
come from your company rather than from Salesforce Trialforce Email Branding only applies to
users who sign up for your application through Trialforce
Each Trialforce source organization comes with a standard set of email notifications that are sent
to customers For example customers get an email notification when they first sign up or when
they reset their password You dont have to rewrite all of these systemgenerated emails yourself
Just provide the values for the fields and the system takes care of the rest
Edit Trialforce Branded Email Set
Each Trialforce source organization comes with a standard set of email notifications that are
sent to customers


Available in Salesforce
Available in Developer


To define package
Package Branding

Edit Trialforce Branded Email Set
Each Trialforce source organization comes with a standard set of email notifications that are sent to customers
To begin click New Email Set or Edit next to an existing email set
Fill in the fields with your company info
In the Preview Emails area click through the different types of generated emails and make sure they read correctly
Click Save
If youre ready to make these emails available to your Trialforce source organizations click Publish Otherwise your changes are
saved and you can publish later

Create and Edit Your Trialforce Source Organizations
Use the Trialforce Source Organizations page to manage your Trialforce source organizations


If you have an existing source organization you want to use click Login
To edit an existing source organization click Edit then enter the source organization name
and select the branding

Available in Salesforce

To create a new source organization click New

Available in Developer

Enter a new username and email address for the administrator account
Enter the source organization name and select the branding


Click Create

To define package
Package Branding

Which Trial Method Is Right for My AppExchange Solution

Create a Trialforce Template

Create a Trialforce Template
Create a template to simplify signing up trial organizations


Click New Trialforce Template You can create a template only if your TSO is less than or equal

to GB

You can create up to Trialforce templates per TSO If this button is grayed out delete the

excess templates before creating new ones Partners that require additional templates can
contact Salesforce Partner Support

Available in Salesforce
Available in Developer

Specify a description of the template and whether to include data in the dialog that appears


Click Save

You receive an email with the ID of the new template after its generated Submit the template for

review before you can use it to sign up trial organizations Remember to generate a new template

each time you make updates to your TSO so that your trials always reflect the most recent state

To define package
Package Branding

Each template has a status with one of these values
In Progress

When a template is first created it always has this status It then moves to either Success or Error


The template can be used to create trial organizations


The template cannot be used because something has gone wrong and debugging is required


The template is no longer available for use Deleted templates are removed during system updates


Use API calls to the SignupRequest object to create signups for prospective customers

Using API calls to the SignupRequest object you can collect and analyze detailed information on

all signups from your business organization You have control over the signup process and
enhanced visibility into your prospective customers For example you can
Run reports and collect metrics such as the number of signups per day or the number of
signups in different countries


To create or view signup

SignupRequest API

Customize the SignupRequest object to add fields of special interest to your company
Create triggers to initiate specific actions such as send an email notification when a new signup request is made
Enable signups from a wide range of client applications and devices so you have more channels for customer acquisition
For more information on working with objects see the Object Reference for Salesforce and Lightning Platform
Create a Signup Request
The Signup Requests tab displays the signup requests home page
Signup Request Details
From the Signup Request detail page you can delete and clone signup requests

Create a Signup Request
The Signup Requests tab displays the signup requests home page


From signup requests home page you can perform these actions
Create a new signup If you using a Trialforce template to create the signup make sure the
template has been approved

To create or view signup

Signup Request API

View the details of a previous signup including its history and approval status
Create new views to display signups matching criteria that you specify
To create a signup select Signup Request from the Create New dropdown list in the sidebar or click New next to Recent Signup
Requests on the signup requests home page
Enter the information for the signup request
Click Save when youre finished or click Save New to save the current signup request and add another

Signup Request Details
From the Signup Request detail page you can delete and clone signup requests
This table lists the attributes details in alphabetical order



The name of the company requesting the trial signup

SignUps Using the API

Signup Request Details




The twocharacter uppercase ISO country code You can find a full list of these codes at a

number of sites such as

Created Org

The character Organization ID of the trial organization created This is a readonly field provided

by the system once the signup request has been processed


The email address of the admin user for the trial signup

Error Code

The error code if the signup request isnt successful This is a readonly field provided by the system
to be used for support purposes

First Name

The first name of the admin user for the trial signup

Last Name

The last name of the admin user for the trial signup


The Salesforce template that is used to create the trial organization Possible values are Partner
Group Professional Partner Professional Sales Enterprise

Professional TSO Enterprise Partner Enterprise Service

Professional Enterprise TSO Developer and Partner Developer

Preferred Language

The language of the trial organization being created Specify the language using a language code
listed under Fully Supported Languages in Supported Languagesin Salesforce Help For example

use zhCN for simplified Chinese The value you select overrides the language set by the locale If

you specify an invalid language the organization defaults to the default language of the country
Populated during the signup request and for internal use by Salesforce

ShouldConnectToEnvHub When set to true the trial organization is connected to the Environment Hub The signup must

take place in the hub master organization or a spoke organization
Source Org

The character Organization ID of the Trialforce Source Organization from which the Trialforce

template was created


The status of the request Possible values are New In Progress Error or Success The
default value is New


The character ID of the approved Trialforce template that is the basis for the trial signup The

template is required and must be approved by Salesforce

Template Description The description of the approved Trialforce template that is the basis for the trial signup
Trial Days

The duration of the trial signup in days Must be equal to or less than the trial days for the approved
Trialforce template If not provided it defaults to the trial duration specified for the Trialforce template


The username of the admin user for the trial signup It must follow the address convention specified

in RFC wwwworgProtocolsrfcz
