C360guide Consumer Goods
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Customer Guide for
Consumer Goods
Salesforce Spring
Last updated November
Copyright Salesforce Inc All rights reserved Salesforce is a registered trademark of Salesforce Inc as are other
names and marks Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Industry Blueprint for Consumer Goods
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods
Business Scenarios for Consumer Goods
Solution Architecture for Consumer Goods
Explore Solution Kits for Consumer Goods
Integrate your route to market by planning executing and servicing BB customers to drive business growth
The assets in this Customer Guide help consumer goods companies build a vision and make a plan for digital transformation Learn
with Trailhead
Architectural diagrams and business scenarios show you how Salesforce products combine with industry best practices to expand your
business capabilities Solution Kits show you how to implement Salesforcerecommended crosscloud solutions to common retail use
Industry Blueprint for Consumer Goods
Examine the Salesforce view of strategy product innovation and partner relationships to enable BB and BC business processes
on an integrated platform in the consumer goods industry
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods
Map specific Salesforce products to the functional capabilities and operational activities of consumer goods organizations
Business Scenarios for Consumer Goods
Business scenarios help you bridge the gap between your organizations business capabilities and the solutions needed to achieve
your goals For each scenario discover a variety of Salesforce solutions that reduce your time to value and allow you to define a
roadmap to build out your organizations functionality
Solution Architecture for Consumer Goods
Identify the specific tools and resources that can help you deliver comprehensive automation solutions for your consumer goods
Explore Solution Kits for Consumer Goods
Enhance your crosscloud business by implementing one or more solution kits Get product recommendations workflow details
and instructions to help you implement the solution from start to finish
Customer Guide for Retail Banking Learning Map
Customer Guide for Discrete Manufacturing Learning Map
Customer Guide for Retail Learning Map
Customer Guides Quick Look
Industry Blueprint for Consumer Goods
Examine the Salesforce view of strategy product innovation and partner relationships to enable BB and BC business processes on an
integrated platform in the consumer goods industry
The industry blueprint describes the endtoend consumer goods customer lifecycle Use the industry blueprint to understand how
Salesforce Customer platform capabilities help structure organize and support digital transformation
Map customerfacing business capabilities that are common to consumer goods stages of the customer lifecycle across planning
marketing transacting servicing and the workforce experience
Determine which capabilities are most important to your organization and prioritize implementation accordingly
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Industry Blueprint for Consumer Goods
Organize projects that deliver business value with maximum benefit
Gain alignment among key business process stakeholders
Understand the highlevel platform capabilities and the Salesforce partners that power your organizations business needs
Contact your Salesforce account team or a Salesforce partner for help with assessing the business and platform capabilities most suited
for your organization
The typical lifecycle of a consumer goods customer relationship has five process groups Each major process group contains a number
of business processes that together fulfill a business need or industry imperative
Enable Agile Operations Optimize the value chain Grow and protect the brand through realtime collaboration across functional
boundaries Proactively use data while building a sustainable business
Integrate the Route to Market Become the brand of choice by letting account and field teams plan and execute Drive sales growth
through datadriven insights Integrate all BB sales channels Gain a single source of truth with key account management field
execution customer service and channel partner incentives on the Salesforce platform
Cultivate Loyal Consumers Make each consumer digital interaction with your company easy connected and personalized Drive
the right data strategy to simplify experiential personalized and consistent engagement Turn individuals into loyal and repeat
consumers no matter where they engage
Connect the Consumer Experience Deliver an OmniChannel shopper experience that adapts to the rapidly changing paths to
purchase Let the shopper select find and buy products that are relevant desired and aligned to their values
Empower the Connected Employee Equip employees with digital tools that enhance productivity and drive growth with your
customers Digitize your HQ and field operations through connected systems and collaboration
Salesforce partners with independent software vendors ISVs and consultants to extend platform capabilities that suit business processes
Other industryspecific integrations and complete solutions are important in a typical business context To learn more about readytoinstall
applications solutions or consultants check out AppExchange
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods
Note To understand which business capabilities solutions and Salesforce products can help your organization achieve the
business needs identified on the blueprint review the Business Scenarios for Consumer Goods on page
Platform Enablers API and Data Sources are common across all lifecycle stages and business processes Use platform enablers APIs and
data sources as a baseline of functionality to support tailored solutions
Note To understand how industry and business requirements link to the underlying technologies that support them review the
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods on page Use the industry blueprint as a framework for creating a reference
architecture for planning customer experience enhancements
Industry Blueprints for Partners
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods
Solution Architecture for Consumer Goods
Salesforce Architectural Diagrams Quick Look
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods
Map specific Salesforce products to the functional capabilities and operational activities of consumer goods organizations
Salesforce provides configurable product solutions that support a consumer goods companys ability to effectively engage their customers
and partners The reference architecture helps communicate the vision and strategy of a solution to business executives and stakeholders
Learn with Trailhead
Our reference architecture presents Functional and Platform capabilities Each layer contains a representative subset of systems or
capabilities that are most relevant for consumer goods organizations It doesnt list all possible systems or capabilities
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods
Platform Capabilities
These components form the underlying technology base for achieving your goals Each layer in the platform builds on top of the next
BB systems typically rely on these elements
Data Sources
Data sources are systems that create collect and manage various types of data These systems can act as systems
of record Theyre often purposebuilt to handle particular functionality and data requirements but some provide
general system needs
Integrations include tools and routes that connect systems of record with each other or with higherlevel
experiences Integrations can include varied tools like APIs that connect separate systems single signon services
to manage customer identity across different systems and customer data platforms that segment customers
Smart automation like machine learning and AI helps you optimize your use of customer data To enhance your
customer relationships and drive sales the intelligence layer serves functions like delivering actionable customer
insights personalized product recommendations and improving realtime customer interactions
Analytics helps you better understand your data and make smart business decisions
Descriptive analytics summarize existing data to help you better understand the current state or past activities
Descriptive analytics typically answer What questions about your data
Diagnostic analytics use the output of descriptive analytics to identify patterns and outlier data Diagnostic
analytics typically answer Why questions about your data
Predictive analytics use historical data to anticipate future outcomes such as the likelihood that a subscriber
opens an email
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Reference Architecture for Consumer Goods
Prescriptive analytics suggest courses of action based on your existing data Prescriptive analytics typically
answer Should questions about your future actions
Platform Enablers
Use common capabilities that drive the business processes across the enterprise Build a unified profile using a
customer data platform Drive workflows and engagement based on that unified profile
Functional Capabilities
Businessspecific elements at the functional capabilities level are connected more directly to the customers experience and measured
in terms of maturity Successful implementation of functional capabilities depends heavily on implementation of the platform capabilities
The consumer goods industry is evolving to handle disruption and change The traditional integrated route to markets focused the BB
business model on key account management and field retail execution via sales channels The industry is now starting to engage
endconsumers directly via BC Commerce and selfservice models in partner systems The recent evolution of privacy is also driving
marketing changes to understand consumer behavior more directly by gathering more firstparty data
To identify strategic goals around which to focus your implementation review common BC Business Scenarios for Retail and their
included functional capabilities
A Business Capability Maturity Assessment arranged by your Success Manager or Account Executive can help you determine which areas
of your business can benefit from more focus
Mapping Platform Capabilities to Salesforce
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Business Scenarios for Consumer Goods
Specific Salesforce products handle each of the needs identified at the platform capability level
Identify gaps in your underlying capabilities by customizing this model to include other Salesforce products or thirdparty systems in
your current technology stack
To explore the reference architecture specific to your business contact your Success Manager or Account Team
Business Scenarios for Consumer Goods on page help you better understand your business capabilities and find solutions that
support your business goals
Learn more about Salesforce products in this industry
Consumer Goods Cloud
Experience Cloud
Field Service
Salesforce Architectural Diagrams Quick Look
Industry Blueprint for Consumer Goods
Solution Architecture for Consumer Goods
Business Scenarios for Consumer Goods
Business Scenarios for Consumer Goods
Business scenarios help you bridge the gap between your organizations business capabilities and the solutions needed to achieve your
goals For each scenario discover a variety of Salesforce solutions that reduce your time to value and allow you to define a roadmap to
build out your organizations functionality
Successful execution of core functions requires an organization to have certain expertise or business capabilities Understanding what
business capabilities are needed to achieve this scenario helps crossfunctional teams in your organization align and better strategize
around technology solutions
Get the Most Out of Best Practices
Following best practices and selecting the right solutions and products for your organization are key to a successful implementation of
business scenarios Follow these steps to make use of business scenarios
Review business capabilities required to achieve this business scenario
Assess the maturity levels of your organizations business capabilities
Review the best practices with minimum maturity level to understand how your business can improve in each area of capability
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Manage Key Accounts
Review products and solutions to get quick time to value and build a roadmap as you increase your maturity
To arrange a Business Capability Maturity Assessment contact your Success Manager or Account Executive
Explore Retail Banking Business Scenarios
Manage Key Accounts
Accelerate digital alignment to fuel growth for consumer goods companies Transform how you manage accounts to support joint
gotomarket success between consumer goods brands and channel partners such as distributors wholesalers and retailers
Optimize Field Execution
Empower your consumer goods products field reps to get the most out of every outlet Mobile devices help reps manage leadtoorder
and perfect execution while enabling them to be more consultative throughout the selling process
Transform BB Commerce
Provide consumer goods channel partners seamless collaborative experiences by delivering a consumergrade digital BB commerce
Incentivize Channel Partners
Offer enhanced experiences to consumer goods partners to improve indirect sales performance influence partners behavior and
build BB loyalty
Manage Key Accounts
Optimize Field Execution
Transform BB Commerce
Incentivize Channel Partner
Manage Key Accounts
Accelerate digital alignment to fuel growth for consumer goods companies Transform how you manage accounts to support joint
gotomarket success between consumer goods brands and channel partners such as distributors wholesalers and retailers
What was once a cumbersome manual process often managed with many spreadsheets account management can now be streamlined
to produce better more efficient outcomes Using analytics customized for the consumer goods industry account managers can work
with customers and their category buyers to enable more savvy business decisions and effective negotiation tactics Companies and
their channel partners also have access to powerful tools that can turbocharge visibility collaboration and productivity
Managing key accounts allows brands to
Design smarter territories that positively impact sales performance and revenue growth
Unlock account collaboration to increase productivity with shared tools
Engage in joint business planning integrating channel planning and budgeting
Optimize trade promotions to achieve a degree view of spend and return on investment ROI
Forecast customer demand to gain complete commercial visibility and drive transparency and profitability within accounts
Key Performance Indicators KPIs
Understand success in this area with these four KPIs
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Manage Key Accounts
Growth Nurture growth on metrics such as sales volume revenue and margins Metrics can be based on a region account or
product category mix
Revenue Reach a sales volume figure in your accounts In cases where theres a universal unit of measure across multiple categories
revenue can also be measured by volume
Margin Deliver the growth and revenue targets in accordance with a certain margin goal
Trade Spend Trade spend budgets are fixed or derived from a live rate percentage of revenue available to reach targets for the year
to date
To find the best ways to measure the success of your key account management review Calculate Key Performance Indicators
These products can help you manage your key accounts
Consumer Goods Cloud including Salesforce Maps
Key Account Management Addon
Accenture Trade Promotion Management
Enterprise Territory Management
CRM Analytics for Consumer Goods
Marketing C
Experience Cloud
Salesforce recommended solutions are linked to business capabilities To help you find solutions that your business is ready for right
now we divide resources into three levels depending on complexity Choose from solutions that you can implement immediately and
put together a roadmap to build out more mature capabilities over time For more information about solutions contact your Success
Manager or Account Executive
Business Capabilities
For each capability whether its undeveloped or industryleading we provide implementation information metrics to evaluate success
and recommended solutions View additional details to learn about maturity levels and best practices for these capabilities
Table Business Capabilities for Managing Key Accounts
success metrics
recommended solutions
Territory Management Approach
Increased number customers per rep Beginning
Assign sellers to accounts and ensure that Increased productivity based on amount
Sales Maps Configuration
standard objects have a masterdetail
of sales per rep
Get started with Salesforce Maps
relationship with accounts Create necessary
sharing records and provide a rollup
Territory Management Basics
mechanism for reporting and forecasting
Learn More on page
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Manage Key Accounts
success metrics
recommended solutions
Enterprise Territory Management
Define the area that your reps are
responsible for targeting
Salesforce Maps Territory Planning
Analyze and design your sales
Account and Contact Management
Establish roles and responsibilities Create
augment govern and manage accounts
Learn More on page
Increased pipeline volume
Increased opportunity volume
Decreased time at stage
Consumer Goods Cloud Data Model
Get to know the consumer goods
data model
Accounts and Contacts in Retail
Sales Cloud Considerations for
Accounts and Contacts
Deploy and Use Analytics for
Consumer Goods
Get insights on your territory stores
and sales rep performance with
Account Planning
Increased opportunity volume
Foster team selling increase customer
Reduced customer attrition
satisfaction and decrease customer turnover
using a living account plan and business
reviews Learn More on page
Deploy and Use Analytics for
Consumer Goods
Get insights on your territory stores
and sales rep performance with
Sales Team Collaboration
Use Salesforce Collaboration Tools
to sell as a team
Use Quip to sell as a team
Get Started with Sales Agreements
Track target metrics for retail
HoReCa and professional channels
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Manage Key Accounts
success metrics
recommended solutions
Calculate Key Performace Indicators
Learn the definitions and
calculations of key metrics shown
in CRM Analytics for Consumer
Goods Dashboards
Explore Einstein Object Detection
and CRM Analytics Analytics
Improve instore checks and
maximize efficiency
Collaborate with Quip
Learn how your team can work
better together with Quip
Use Prebuilt Assets from Mulesoft
Sales Forecasting Approach
Increased pipeline funnel health
Understand the concepts and methods
Increased sales productivity
necessary for successful forecasting Learn
Decreased seller administration time
More on page
Improved forecast accuracy
Increased quota attainment
Increased sales revenue
Leads Opportunities for Lightning
Sales Accounts and Forecasting
Get the Most out of Forecasting
How to use Einstein Prediction
Builder for Opportunity Scoring
How to use Einstein Prediction
Builder to Predict Opportunity
Territory Based Forecasting video
Manage your reps more effectively
across territories
Territory Forecasts
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Opportunity and Pipeline Management
Create opportunity stages define entry and
exit criteria to move from stage to stage
and use a sales coaching process to help
Increased pipeline volume
Accelerated sales cycle
Collaborate with Quip
Reduced time at each opportunity stage
Build Great APIs and Integrations
with Mulesoft
Increased win rate
Customer Guide for Consumer Goods
Manage Key Accounts
success metrics
recommended solutions
sellers effectively move opportunities
through the pipeline Learn More on page
Lead Generation
Increased number of leads or prospects Beginning
Attract prospective customers to engage Increased number of new customers
Sales Cloud Manage Leads
with your brand Capture prospective
customers as prospects or leads Learn More
Learn about effective lead
on page
Generate Leads from Your Website
for Your Sales Teams
Get to Know Marketing Cloud
Salesforce Account Engagement
Align Marketing and Sales Teams
with Account Engagement
Generate Leads with Account
Engagement Landing Pages and
BB Marketing Analytics Basics
Account Engagement BB
Marketing Analytics
Use Account Engagement with
Streamline your sales and marketing
efforts into one platform
Take on BB and BC Marketing
with Account Engagement and
Journey BuilderSolution Kit
Quote Management
Accelerated sales cycle
Create send and store quotes Learn More Reduced number of discounts given
on page
Configure Price Books Templates
and Contracts
Get Started with CPQAccelerator
Get Started with Guided Selling