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Conversational Commerce Solution Kit

Conversational Commerce Solution Kit


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Engage Customers with
Conversational Commerce
Salesforce Spring

Last updated January

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Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce
Solution Architecture
Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow
Design Considerations
Integration Reference Implementation
Conversational Commerce Configurations



Provide richer customer service and drive sales when you implement live agent chat or chatbots within BC Commerce Build brand

loyalty check order status and offer extra assistance at the hands of service agents

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This solution kit helps you
Engage customers at key points of their shopping experience
Give customers timely selfservice help
Prevent cart abandonment via proactive chat
Increase the productivity and service quality of customer service agents
Exceed the customer service expectations of your customers

Required Products

Commerce Cloud SFRA or SiteGenesis

Service Cloud
Recommended BCCRMSync Integration Framework

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Solution Architecture

Other Supported Use Cases

This solution kit provides guidance on how to implement live agent chat within BC Commerce The kit also explains how to support

other use cases that the bccrmsync facilitates including letting agents order on behalf of storefront shoppers
While the Conversational Commerce use cases in this solution kit dont require the bccrmsync it gives agents extended capabilities
and provides integration patterns that support new servicedriven use cases
Review these recommendations for the two use cases Live Agent Chat and Chatbot
Live Agent Chat Human

Chatbot Automated

Send PreChat Variables

Send PreChat Variables

Via Order on Behalf OOBO

Via APIs

View Latest Order Status

Custom Implementation with OMS

Query Order Object in Core

Cancel Order Within Forgiveness Window


Via APIs

Change the Order

Custom Implementation with OMS

Transfer to Agent

Answer Common Questions

Via Knowledge

Query Knowledge

Required Setup
Before Placing Order
Add Discount to Basket Coupon Order
Discount Shipping Discount
After Placing Order

Solution Architecture
Discover how use cases map to solutions with a visual illustration See how recommended products integrate with back end systems
and how data is passed between them when you engage customers with conversational commerce
Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow
Learn how data flows through the configurations to engage customers with conversational commerce
Design Considerations
Keep these design considerations in mind when you engage customers with conversational commerce
Integration Reference Implementation
Reference implementations are developer enablement frameworks that accelerate crosscloud integration by providing code
configuration and implementation patterns Use the bccrmsync to engage customers with conversational commerce
Conversational Commerce Configurations
Use these configurations to engage customers with conversational commerce

Solution Architecture
Discover how use cases map to solutions with a visual illustration See how recommended products integrate with back end systems
and how data is passed between them when you engage customers with conversational commerce

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow

Related Content
Review this solutions use case and purpose
Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce on page
Take the next steps in this implementation
Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow
Design Considerations
Integration Reference Implementation
Conversational Commerce Configurations

Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow
Learn how data flows through the configurations to engage customers with conversational commerce

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow

Chatbot Workflow

A customer initiates a chat session on the stores commerce website

Commerce Cloud passes the customers identification and session context along to the chatbot
The chatbot guides the customers experience and identifies the customers reason for engaging with the chatbot

A customer requests an order status

The chatbot collects the customers information or uses context from Commerce Cloud and queries Service Cloud

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow

A customer requests an order cancellation

The chatbot collects the customers information or uses context from Commerce Cloud and cancels the order

BC commerce sets the order status to canceled via the Open Commerce API

A customer requests assistance with Add Coupon

The chatbot collects the customers information or uses context from Commerce Cloud and adds the coupon to the customers cart

Open Commerce API calls to add a specific coupon to cart

A customer requests assistance with modifying an order

The chatbot prepares the case populates the data and places the chat request in queue
Service Cloud pushes the customers request to the next available agent
The service agent accepts the customers chat request
Service Cloud presents the customers case and chat transcript to the assigned agent
The agent views all of the information the chatbot has provided and initiates an order on behalf of the session
The service agent views the Order on Behalf as detailed in the Solution Kit

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow

Salesforce Chat Workflow

A customer initiates a session on the stores commerce website

Commerce Cloud passes the customers identification and session context forward to the Live Chat Snap In
The Live Chat Snap In creates a chat session in the Service Cloud chat queue
The next available service agent picks up the chat session from the queue
Service Cloud attaches the prechat variable to the Chat Transcript for reference
Service Cloud then resolves the issue using the prechat variables and creates a case
Service Cloud presents the case and Chat Transcript to the assigned service agent
The service agent then executes the chat welcome script and verifies the customer

A customer requests an order status

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Design Considerations

The assigned service agent provides an order status via Service Cloud or an external OMS

Service Cloud retrieves the order status from the external system

A customer requests assistance with checkout

The assigned service agent launches Order on Behalf Of the customer

Related Content
Review earlier steps in this solution
Solution Architecture
Take the next steps in this implementation
Design Considerations
Integration Reference Implementation
Conversational Commerce Configurations

Design Considerations
Keep these design considerations in mind when you engage customers with conversational commerce

Identify and Resolve Customers
Get guidance on how to customize the prechat form for performing more advanced activities in the Service Cloud Chat Developer
Guide These activities include customer identification and automated record creation in Service Cloud

If you integrate BC Commerce and Service Clouds via bccrmsync you can enable synchronization Every shopper who registers

or places an order via Guest Checkout has a corresponding contact or person account in the Salesforce Core Platform
Show Service Cloud how to identify and resolve the shoppers contact or person account Extend the prechat form to use the

shoppers BC Commerce and Service Cloud identifiers To perform this resolution use the profile identifiers stored in the customers

BC Commerce profile

Instruct Service Cloud to create a contact or person account representing the chat customer if one was resolved when you extend
the prechat form If using Person Accounts specify the RecordTypeId representing a person account in the prechat form

Provide Order Status and Cancel Orders for Customers

To process storefront orders and place them through a fulfillment workflow BC Commerce customers often use an order management

system OMS In this scenario integrate Service Cloud with the OMS to interact with orders

Launch Proactive Chat
Learn how to enable proactive chat invitations in the Web Chat Basics Trailhead module
Automate chat invitations by modifying the chat trigger to fire based on certain criteria This criteria includes whether a customer
remains on a web page for more than a specified amount of time or the activities a customer performs on a web page

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Design Considerations

To set variable triggers that support automated chat invitations use JavaScript code Customize the automated chat triggers Monitor
storefront session length time and create a chat invitation if a shopper has items in their cart but hasnt entered checkout in x
Prevent shopping cart abandonment by triggering a chat invitation Chat if a shopper enters the checkout process and doesnt
complete the checkout in x minutes or spends more than x minutes of a specific section of checkout
Note Use your web analytics reporting to identify pages to target as proactive chat invitation points Analytics reports identify
pages to target estimate shopper session length and record pagevisit durations of shoppers
Monitor customer behavior in checkout for activities that lead to abandonment for example clicks to the storefront homepage
icon or footer links To preempt checkout abandonment initiate a chat invitation
Monitor the total value of the customers shopping cart and customize the automated chat triggers Initiate a chat invitation if the
cart value exceeds a threshold value and the customer doesnt enter checkout within x minutes
Learn how to customize a chat invitation and create custom chat events to initiate chat invitations in the Embedded Service for Web
Developer Guide

OOBO for Authenticated Customers

To include adding products to cart and applying coupons or discounts to a customers basket use orderonbehalfof capabilities

Orderonbehalfof via bccrmsync is available for contacts and person accounts that represent registered BC Commerce customer


To include logic to resolve customers using their BC Commerce profile identifiers extend the prechat form To create contact or

person accounts using the BC Commerce customer identifiers included in the prechat variables extend the form

Service agents can click the Launch Shopping Cart button which the Service Cloud Connector provides from the person account
that represents the chat user This button opens an agent shopping session with access to the chat users shopping cart
Through this session agents can adjust the customers cart contents apply coupons or promotions or assist the customer through
the shopping and checkout processes
To empower service agents to provide agentonly discounts via coupons customize the shopping experience This customization
can include line itemlevel price breaks as part of their service capabilities to customers

Any changes that the agent makes to the customers cart are visible to the customer with their next page request via the BC

Commerce storefront

Chatbot Design
To provide the best customer experience build a contextual chatbot based on customer profile and shopping cart data Bot Builder
supports rules that send customers through different dialog flows for the personalized experience
Design the voice and tone of the bot to match the brand The voice and tone provide consistent branding across the webstore and
the chat channel

Use menu and buttonbased navigation and NLP to identify customer intent In the initial rollout of a chatbot its critical to have a

menu that lists the bot capability This menu helps set the right expectations for the customer describes what the bot can do and
indicates when they transfer to a live agent
Build a transfertoagent flow in the bot as a fallback for anything the bot cant handle Though technically not required we recommend
that you implement Agent Chat before launching a chatbot
Chatbot has unlimited capacity so it can run if desired If agents arent working build an offline support flow so that the
chat session doesnt encounter a dead end

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Design Considerations

An offline support flow gathers more customer information such as email mobile number and case creation It can also notify
customers that an agent will contact them during normal business hours
Chat may not respond when bot actions include long running processes that depend on external integrations Consider multiple
timeout limits when building integrations

Bot actions have a second system timeout Salesforce Platform allows for as many as concurrent longrunning processes A

longrunning process is one that runs more than seconds on the platform

Add a timeout of seconds for each API integration to prevent bot actions from becoming a longrunning process This timeout

leaves seconds for the rest of the bot actions in the same running context

Bot Interactions with Storefront Shopping Carts Via OCAPI

Authenticate agentdriven shopping sessions using the customerauth Shop API resource and connect them to registered BC

Commerce customers via the customercustomerIdauth resource

Interact with anonymous and registered customer shopping carts by accessing the customers session through the sessions SHOP

API resource This resource uses the dwsid and dwsecuretoken values to identify the customers session

Use the products SHOP API resource to add or remove products from the customers shopping cart Changes made to the cart are

visible on the customers next page request
Convert the customers basket to an agent basket so that service agents can apply custom lineitem order and shipping discounts

Use the basket priceadjustments SHOP API resource to apply custom lineitem order and shipping discounts to the agent cart

These resources support custom discounts at each of these basket levels
Assign the customer to the agent shopping cart to complete the bot interaction required for a new agent cart
Convert the agent basket to a storefront basket so that the agents basket adjustments appear for the original storefront shopper
Do this conversion after assigning the customer to the agent shopping cart
Note Download bccrmsync for working examples of the cart interactions outlined in this section of the solution kit The
supported scenarios include interactions with anonymous agent and registered carts

Related Content
Review earlier steps in this solution
Solution Architecture
Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow
Take the next steps in this implementation
Integration Reference Implementation
Conversational Commerce Configurations

See Also
Commerce Cloud

Commerce Cloud Supported Cookies

OCAPI Customer Authentication

OCAPI OAuth Authentication

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Integration Reference Implementation

OCAPI Usage Guidance

Open Commerce REST API OCAPI Data API

Open Commerce REST API OCAPI Shop API

Salesforce Chat

Available Chat Features in Embedded Chat
Customize the Branding and Appearance of Your Chat Window
Customize the Offline Support Form
Customize the PreChat Form
Service Cloud Channels
Service Cloud Chat Developer Guide
Set Up and Customize an Automated Invitation
Set Up and Use Quick Text
Set Up Chat with a Guided Setup Flow
Test Embedded Chat

Einstein Chatbots

Add Prebuilt Dialogs and Customize Option Menu
Create a Dialog SubMenu and Dialog Group
Einstein Bots and Einstein Bots Cookbook
Learn About Einstein Bots
Learn the Prerequisites and Enable Einstein chatbots
Plan Your Bot Content
Prepare for Einstein Bots
Set Up an Einstein Bot
Understand Why chatbots Matter to the Contacts Center
Write Bot Conversations Using Variables and Entities

Integration Reference Implementation
Reference implementations are developer enablement frameworks that accelerate crosscloud integration by providing code configuration
and implementation patterns Use the bccrmsync to engage customers with conversational commerce

The bccrmsync is an enablement solution designed by Salesforce Architects that facilitates the integration between Salesforce BC

Commerce Cloud and Service Cloud The reference implementation provides a framework to integrate the clouds by using public REST

APIs to share and sync data
Before implementing sign into GitHub and download bccrmsync Follow the installation instructions available from the repository
ReadMemd file Are you a new Commerce Cloud customer or partner and dont have access to the GitHub repository Get started with

Commerce API

General Information About Reference Implementations
Reference implementations are developerenablement frameworks that accelerate crosscloud integration by providing code
configuration and implementation patterns

Engage Customers with Conversational Commerce

Conversational Commerce Configurations

Reference implementations support a core set of use cases that you can extend to support other customerdriven use cases
Reference implementations require customization and configuration in Service Cloud and Commerce Cloud The Commerce Cloud
storefront requires customization as part of the integration
Implementation and validation require operational and administrative experience with Service Cloud

Plan your implementation as you would any other BC Commerce Cloud feature by collecting requirements capturing work tasks

and making task estimates

What Your Company Can Do with This Reference Implementation

Accelerate integration time to market for BC Commerce and Service Cloud

Get a shared view of customers and order data between BC Commerce and Service Cloud

Provide selfservice through automated case creation from the storefront
Convert service interactions into crosssell and upsell opportunities through order on behalf of during agenttocustomer

Support realtime peertopeer data synchronization for customer and case data between BC Commerce and Service Cloud

Customize the BC Commerce and Service Cloud experiences by extending your use cases and implementing new ones

Functionality Considerations
Supports Accounts and Contacts or Person Accounts as the customer model in Service Cloud
Enables the synchronization of registered Commerce Cloud customer profile and address book data with associated Service Cloud
Contacts or Person Accounts

Enables OOBO functionality for service agents from the customer detail displays in Service Cloud

Enables data synchronization between BC Commerce and Service Cloud through REST Services exposed and used by the reference

Extends the storefront to enable data synchronization with Service Cloud at strategic transaction points customer registration profile
updates and order placement

Related Content
Review earlier steps in this solution
Solution Architecture
Conversational Commerce Solution Workflow
Design Considerations
Take the next steps in this implementation
Conversational Commerce Configurations

Conversational Commerce Configurations
Use these configurations to engage customers with conversational commerce
