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Pardot Connected Campaigns Implementation Guide

Pardot Connected Campaigns Implementation Guide


First things first !
To download this implementation guide, click the download button below.
If you need more information about the implementation guide, you can read the Table of Contents below.


Connected Campaigns
Implementation Guide
Salesforce Spring

Last updated January

Copyright Salesforce Inc All rights reserved Salesforce is a registered trademark of Salesforce Inc as are other

names and marks Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners


Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns
Considerations for Connecting Campaigns
Enable Connected Campaigns
Connect Individual Campaigns
Connect Multiple Campaigns at Once
Connect Existing Campaigns with Salesforce Data Loader

Campaign Member Sync
Considerations for Member Sync
Sync Campaign Members



If youre new to Salesforce and Account Engagement the Connected Campaigns feature is already
partially enabled Connect campaigns to save time reduce clutter and access valuable crossproduct
features For example work with Campaign Influence attribution models Engagement History and
Einstein Campaign Insights for a complete view of your business Plus you can work with prospects
and engagement data without leaving Salesforce
To streamline the way that you provide multifaceted campaign data to sales and marketing teams
connect your Salesforce and Account Engagement campaigns As a prospect interacts with the
marketing assets on a Account Engagement campaign metrics are pushed to its equivalent
Salesforce record From there marketers can track influence and sales users can clearly see the
prospects journey to becoming an opportunity
Note If you purchased Account Engagement after March Connected Campaigns
is partially enabled by default You can create campaigns in Salesforce only and have access
to Engagement History features
Play a Demo


Available in Salesforce
Classic not available in all
orgs and Lightning
Available in All Account
Engagement Editions with
Salesforce Essentials
Professional Enterprise
Performance Unlimited
and Developer Editions

Enable Connected Campaigns English Only

Considerations for Connecting Campaigns
If youre setting up Connected Campaigns in a business unit with existing campaigns keep these considerations in mind
Enable Connected Campaigns
When you enable Connected Campaigns decide which record types you want to connect and create
Connect Individual Campaigns
You can connect individual Account Engagement and Salesforce campaigns whenever you need to
Connect Multiple Campaigns at Once
The easiest way to audit and organize your campaigns in bulk is to download our mapping workbook It contains your campaign
names and IDs in three worksheets Copy and paste values from the workbook tabs to align the campaigns in the Connect tab Then
upload the completed file
Connect Existing Campaigns with Salesforce Data Loader
Connect multiple existing Account Engagement campaigns to new Salesforce campaigns in bulk using Salesforce Data Loader

Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns

Considerations for Connecting Campaigns

Considerations for Connecting Campaigns
If youre setting up Connected Campaigns in a business unit with existing campaigns keep these
considerations in mind


Before You Start

Available in Salesforce
Classic not available in all
orgs and Lightning

Create an equivalent Salesforce campaign for each Account Engagement campaign including
the default Account Engagement campaigns Website Tracking Email PlugIn and Salesforce
Organize and dedupe existing Account Engagement campaigns
Create the Salesforce record types that you plan to use when syncing campaigns

Available in All Account
Engagement Editions with
Salesforce Essentials
Professional Enterprise
Performance Unlimited
and Developer Editions

Connected Campaigns requires a verified Salesforce connector a Salesforce login and an admin to enable the feature
For the best experience we recommend that you dont turn off Connected Campaigns after you turn it on

About Record Types
To limit which counterpart campaigns are created in Account Engagement use record types with Connected Campaigns In the
Connected Campaigns settings you can deselect record types if they arent needed
For best performance use record types to sync only the campaigns that you expect to connect frequently It takes time to load all
the campaigns in the menu that you use to connect Salesforce campaignsthe fewer campaigns to choose from the better
The Master record type is the default record type for new records To avoid syncing unnecessary Salesforce campaigns we recommend
that you dont choose this record type Work with your Salesforce admin to create alternate record types
To connect more than one Account Engagement business unit to a single Salesforce org create different campaign record types
for each business unit

After You Connect Campaigns
Salesforce copies marketing forms marketing links and list emails from Account Engagement campaigns to their connected Salesforce
campaigns This data counts against your companys data storage limits
The Account Engagement campaign record becomes readonly so always create campaigns from the Campaigns tab in Salesforce
When campaigns are connected Salesforce replaces the values of these Account Engagement campaign fields which cant be
Archive Date maps to End Date on Salesforce campaigns
Created By
Updated By
Updated At

Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns

Enable Connected Campaigns

Some actions associated with Account Engagement campaigns are removed The Add Campaign and Connect to CRM Campaign

actions no longer appear on the Account Engagement Campaigns tab and the Account Engagement Campaigns recycling bin is
no longer available

Note To support Account Engagement features available within Sales Cloud Salesforce added a user called BBMA Integration

User to all Salesforce customers who also have Account Engagement This new user is readonly doesnt affect your Salesforce
license usage and cant access or update data by default If you choose to opt in to the new Account Engagement features available
in Sales Cloud this user enables campaign and engagement data to be shared and copied between the two systems

Enable Connected Campaigns
When you enable Connected Campaigns decide which record types you want to connect and
Note Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement We wish we could
snap our fingers to update the name everywhere but you can expect to see the previous
name in a few places until we replace it including in the app itself
Before you enable the feature or begin connecting campaigns we recommend that you outline
how your campaigns relate to each other Consider the following tasks For best results make sure
that every campaign you want to use has a counterpart
Identify the Account Engagement campaigns that you want to keep Do their equivalent
Salesforce campaigns exist
Identify the Salesforce campaigns that you want to keep Do their equivalent Account
Engagement campaigns exist
Identify which Account Engagement campaigns if any must stay in Account Engagement only
Create record types or assignments to organize your campaigns
When the preparation is complete head over to Account Engagement Settings and get started
with Connected Campaigns


Available in Salesforce
Classic not available in all
orgs and Lightning
Available in All Account
Engagement Editions with
Salesforce Essentials
Professional Enterprise
Performance Unlimited
and Developer Editions


To connect campaigns
Account Engagement
Administrator role


The BBMA Integration user doesnt need the Account Engagement Marketing User role

to enable and work with Connected Campaigns
Make sure that you create counterpart campaigns in Salesforce for Account Engagement
default and required campaigns including Website Tracking and Salesforce Sync If you
arent using the Email Plugin campaign delete it before you connect

A Account Engagement campaign is updated or created each time the Salesforce

campaign is edited by a person or process To limit the number of campaigns created in
Account Engagement identify a cutoff date for replication
Open the Connected Campaigns page
In Account Engagement open Settings and click Edit Scroll to Connected Campaigns

In the Lightning app select Account Engagement Settings and then Connectors Click
and select the Campaigns tab

Select Enable Connected Campaigns and Engagement History
Select the Salesforce campaign record types that can be connected

to edit the Salesforce connector

Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns

Connect Individual Campaigns

Save your work
The previous steps prepare your org for the alignment stage of setup Unconnected campaigns continue to show in both places Now
your marketing team can connect campaigns individually or in bulk
After theyre done complete the setup process by giving Salesforce access to manage the campaigns
On the same connector settings page select Use Salesforce to manage all campaigns
To reduce the number of campaigns that are replicated over time enter a date under Limit Campaign Creation by Date
To let Account Engagement users continue to see the remaining unconnected campaigns select Show Unconnected Campaigns
Users now manage campaigns only in Salesforce

Connect Individual Campaigns
You can connect individual Account Engagement and Salesforce campaigns whenever you need


Open the Account Engagement Campaigns page

Available in Salesforce
Classic not available in all
orgs and Lightning

In Account Engagement select Marketing and then Campaigns
In the Lightning app select Account Engagement Campaigns This tab isnt visible by
defaultan admin must add it
Select the Unconnected Campaigns view

For the Account Engagement campaign that you want to connect click Connect to CRM

Campaign and then select the associated Salesforce campaign

Available in All Account
Engagement Editions with
Salesforce Essentials
Professional Enterprise
Performance Unlimited
and Developer Editions


To connect individual
Account Engagement
Marketing role

Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns

Connect Multiple Campaigns at Once

Connect Multiple Campaigns at Once
The easiest way to audit and organize your campaigns in bulk is to download our mapping workbook
It contains your campaign names and IDs in three worksheets Copy and paste values from the
workbook tabs to align the campaigns in the Connect tab Then upload the completed file
Note Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement We wish we could
snap our fingers to update the name everywhere but you can expect to see the previous
name in a few places until we replace it including in the app itself
If you have more than campaigns it can take some time to download the workbook We send
an email to notify you when the file is available
Here are a few tools the workbook offers to help you avoid dataentry errors
When a campaign has the same name in both apps and you add it to the Connect tab the
worksheet autofills the matching campaign


Available in Salesforce
Classic not available in all
orgs and Lightning
Available in All Account
Engagement Editions with
Salesforce Essentials
Professional Enterprise
Performance Unlimited
and Developer Editions

When a row is complete it turns green
When a campaign is added to the Connect tab its corresponding row is highlighted in its
original tab to indicate its already been mapped
The Salesforce record type isnt required to map campaigns but its provided for your reference
Sometimes associated campaigns are aligned automatically so you can skip over them


To bulk connect campaigns
Account Engagement
Administrator role

You can upload only rows on the Connect tab at one time Split your import into multiple
batches if needed
Open the Account Engagement Campaigns page
In Account Engagement select Marketing and then Campaigns
In the Lightning app select Account Engagement Campaigns This tab isnt visible by defaultan admin must add it
Click Connect Campaigns with Excel and download the workbook
In the Pardot tab of the workbook copy a value from the Name column Then paste it into the Pardot Name column of the Connect
In the Salesforce tab copy the associated Salesforce campaign name Back in the Connect tab paste the name into the corresponding
Salesforce Name field
Delete unused rows from the worksheet
When youre finished aligning all the campaigns you want upload the file

Connect Account Engagement and Salesforce Campaigns

Connect Existing Campaigns with Salesforce Data Loader

Connect Existing Campaigns with Salesforce Data Loader
Connect multiple existing Account Engagement campaigns to new Salesforce campaigns in bulk
using Salesforce Data Loader
Note Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement We wish we could
snap our fingers to update the name everywhere but you can expect to see the previous
name in a few places until we replace it including in the app itself
Open the Account Engagement Campaigns page
In Account Engagement select Marketing and then Campaigns
In the Lightning app select Account Engagement Campaigns This tab isnt visible by
defaultan admin must add it
Click Bulk Connect Pardot Campaigns to New Salesforce Campaigns
Salesforce exports the file NewConnectedCampaignscsv which contains a list of your
unconnected campaigns
If your org has required custom fields for campaigns add a column for each custom field name

to the CSV file

Log in to


Available in Salesforce
Classic not available in all
orgs and Lightning
Available in All Account
Engagement Editions with
Salesforce Essentials
Professional Enterprise
Performance Unlimited
and Developer Editions


To connect campaigns with
Salesforce Data Loader
Account Engagement
Administrator role

httpsdevelopersalesforcecomdocsatlasenusdataLoadermetadataLoaderinsertingupdatingordeletingdatahtm with
your Salesforce account credentials
Select Data
Select Show all Salesforce objects and select Campaign
Click Browse and open the NewConnectedCampaignscsv file

Click Next and after the object and CSV file are initialized click OK

Salesforce Data Loader prompts you to map Salesforce campaign fields to the Account Engagement campaign fields in the CSV file

Accept the default mappings If you added custom field columns to the CSV file find the field on the left and select its corresponding

CSV column

Click Create or Edit a Map select AutoMatch Fields to Columns and then click OK

A confirmation page shows the field mappings and the number of new Salesforce campaign records to be created

Click Next choose the folder to save the campaigns in and select Finish
Salesforce Data Loader reports the number of campaigns created and any failures If a campaign fails to create the reason is listed in the

ERROR column After a short wait the newly connected campaigns appear in the Connected Campaigns view on the Account Engagement

Campaigns page

When you use Salesforce Data Loader to map campaigns the Pardot Campaign ID field is added to your records for organization purposes

This field isnt shown on campaigns mapped via other methods so we recommend that you dont use the field in reports or page layouts


As you connect your campaigns decide whether to sync prospects into those campaigns When
you turn on Member Sync for connected campaigns prospects appear in Salesforce as campaign
Considerations for Member Sync
When using Member Sync keep these considerations in mind
Sync Campaign Members
To sync campaign members between Account Engagement and Salesforce turn on Member


Available in Professional
Enterprise Performance
and Unlimited Editions and
All Account Engagement

Considerations for Member Sync
When using Member Sync keep these considerations in mind


How It Works

Available in Salesforce
Professional Enterprise
Performance and
Unlimited Editions with any
Account Engagement Edition

Warning After you turn on Campaign Member Sync we recommend that you keep it
enabled at all times The configuration affects other processes and can cause data discrepancies
if its disabled later

Campaign Member Sync shows your prospects in Salesforce as campaign members The sync works
only from Account Engagement to Salesforce so campaign member changes arent reflected in associated Account Engagement
Before you can use member sync Connected Campaigns must be enabled To sync a prospect assign it to an Account Engagement
user and associate it with an Account Engagement campaign
To indicate that a first touch came from an Account Engagement campaign synced campaign members show a status of Connected
If a campaign member is missing or doesnt show a Connected status verify that the prerequisites for syncing have been met
The connector user or integration user has Edit permission on Campaigns
Marketing User is selected on its Salesforce user record
To add campaign members after the first touch create a completion action For more recent marketing engagement activity view the
prospect record

Other Considerations
If the prospect shares an email address with another Salesforce contact the record is synced as a contact Otherwise the prospect
syncs as a lead
When you enable Campaign Member Sync prospects sync retroactively for campaigns that are already connected
Campaign Member Sync doesnt archive or delete lead or contact records from Salesforce Remove associated records from Salesforce

Campaign Member Sync

Sync Campaign Members

The campaign member created date in Salesforce refers to when the prospect was synced not the creation date in Account
Campaign Member Sync works alongside other prospect syncing jobs
Expect slower sync times when a connected campaign has more than prospects

Sync Campaign Members
To sync campaign members between Account Engagement and Salesforce turn on Member Sync
Before you turn on Member Sync make sure that the prospects you want to sync are assigned to
users Next turn on Connected Campaigns and then return to Account Engagement Settings to
enable Member Sync
Warning Enabling Campaign Member Sync is a permanent change and cant be undone
Open the Connected Campaigns page


Available in Salesforce
Professional Enterprise
Performance and
Unlimited Editions with any
Account Engagement Edition

In Account Engagement open Settings and click Edit Scroll to Connected Campaigns
In the Lightning app select Account Engagement Settings and then Connectors Click
to edit the Salesforce connector and select the Campaigns tab
Select Enable Campaign Member Sync
Save your work
Allow some time for campaign members to show up in Salesforce campaigns


To turn on Member Sync
Account Engagement
Administrator role
