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Pardot User Sync Implementation Guide

Pardot User Sync Implementation Guide


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If you need more information about the implementation guide, you can read the Table of Contents below.


Salesforce User Sync
Salesforce Spring

Last updated January

Copyright Salesforce Inc All rights reserved Salesforce is a registered trademark of Salesforce Inc as are other

names and marks Other marks appearing herein may be trademarks of their respective owners


Considerations for Moving to the Latest Version of User Sync
User Sync Basics
Map Salesforce and Account Engagement Usernames
Assign Salesforce Users to Account Engagement
Transfer User Management to Salesforce


Salesforce User Sync is the best and simplest way to manage Account Engagement user access This feature transfers Account Engagement
user management to Salesforce and lets you add or remove users from Marketing Setup
Important The process for User Sync setup varies depending on when your business unit was created and if you currently use
the legacy version To make sure youre following the correct instructions see Find the Right User Sync Documentation



If Salesforce User Sync was enabled before July there are some important things to know
before moving to the latest version
Note Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement We wish we could
snap our fingers to update the name everywhere but you can expect to see the previous
name in a few places until we replace it including in the app itself
After User Sync is enabled assignments are no longer solely profilebased Users can be assigned
to Account Engagement by public group membership role role and subordinates or individually


Available in All Account
Engagement Editions where
Salesforce User Sync was
enabled before July

Make sure you review User Sync Basics before you transfer user management to Salesforce
After transferring user management the User Sync section on the Salesforce connector screen is used only for updating how Salesforce
profiles map to Account Engagement user roles The old User Sync settings are replaced by this default behavior

New Default Behavior

Update Pardot user role when a users Salesforce profile changes Users inherit their roles from the Map Salesforce Profiles to Pardot
Roles table in user sync settings
Move Pardot user to the recycle bin when they no longer have Profilebased user assignment doesnt exist
an assigned profile
Skip Salesforce user whose email address matches an existing
user record in Pardot

If theres a user in Account Engagement with the same CRM

username or email address User Sync skips them and doesnt
create a new Account Engagement user record


User Sync moves Account Engagement user access settings to Marketing Setup in Salesforce Synced user records in Account Engagement
are readonly and inherit information from Salesforce
Note Pardot is now known as Marketing Cloud Account Engagement We wish we could snap our fingers to update the name
everywhere but you can expect to see the previous name in a few places until we replace it including in the app itself

Process Overview
If you use the legacy version of User Sync make sure you also review Considerations for Moving to the Latest Version of User Sync If
youre not sure what your User Sync status is see Find the Right User Sync Documentation
To take advantage of Salesforce User Sync first assign Salesforce users to Account Engagement and then transfer user management to
Salesforce This process requires a Salesforce admin and an Account Engagement admin Depending on the structure of your business
its possible you need more than one person to complete all the tasks
This video walks through User Sync setup

Manage Engagement Users with Salesforce User Sync English Only

User Management
Heres how user management works after user management is transferred to Salesforce
An Account Engagement user record is created for any user assigned to Account Engagement in Salesforce You can assign users
individually or based on public group role or role and subordinates
The Salesforce user record is the source of truth All Account Engagement user fields update to match the Salesforce record
When a user sends an email in Account Engagement the email is sent from the email address on their Salesforce user record
Account Engagement user alerts and notifications are sent to their Salesforce email
If an assigned user is in the recycle bin in Engagement the user record is restored
To delete an Account Engagement user unassign them in Salesforce Unassigning a user sends their record to the recycle bin in
If theres an Account Engagement user with the same email address as a Salesforce user but theyre not mapped User Sync skips

them A new Account Engagement user record isnt created and the existing user profile isnt synced

Changes to user records in Salesforce typically sync within minutes If you have tens of thousands of users the sync can take up
to an hour

Salesforce Profiles and Account Engagement Roles
When you assign users to Account Engagement you add them to the Marketing Users group or the Sales Users group User group
assignments can be used for sharing rules and they correspond to default Account Engagement role assignments
Salesforce profiles are mapped onetoone to Account Engagement user roles but some scenarios require a more granular Salesforce
profile If your users that share a Salesforce profile need different levels of access in a business unit you can give a user a more granular

User Sync Basics

Example Jon and Deepa both have the Marketing profile in Salesforce Jon needs the Marketing Manager role in the Europe
business unit and Deepa needs the Marketing role Because Jon and Deepa share the original profile and profiles are mapped
onetoone to user roles the Salesforce admin creates a unique profile for Jon The Europe business unit admin maps the new
profile to the correct Account Engagement user role
Important Assign admins and most other Account Engagement users to the Marketing User group in Salesforce The Sales User
group is only for sales reps who need restricted access to Account Engagement
After users are assigned to Account Engagement the Account Engagement admin can update the profiletorole mapping table for the
Marketing User group or leave the default mapping in place
Heres how roles are determined by default
Users in the Sales Users group always inherit the Sales role in Account Engagement This role mapping cant be edited
Users in the Marketing Users group have their Salesforce profile mapped to the Marketing role in Account Engagement This mapping
is editable
If the Account Engagement admin who created the business unit is in the Marketing Users group they retain the Account Engagement
admin role
This chart shows how user assignments translate to default roles The default Account Engagement role is editable for all users assigned
to the Marketing Users group in Salesforce



If you have existing Account Engagement users map them to their user record in Salesforce before you proceed with Salesforce User
Sync If users arent mapped the system ignores those users and they dont sync For business units without User Sync map users and

then enable Salesforce Single Signon SSO Salesforce credentials are required to access Account Engagement

Open the user record that you want to work with

From the CRM Username dropdown select the users Salesforce username

Save the user

Click verify now in the CRM Username row of the user record

Repeat these steps for each user you want to map


From Marketing Setup in Salesforce assign users to Account Engagement You can assign users
individually or based on public group role or role and subordinates
Note We recommend that most users including admins be assigned to the Marketing
Users group Use the Sales Users group for Sales reps only
From Marketing Setup in the Quick Find box enter Business then select Business Unit
Next to your business unit click Manage Users
Click Edit User Assignments
Add users to the Marketing Users group and the Sales Users group
Save your changes To see a complete list of your assigned users click View All Users
After you assign users the Account Engagement admin can update the roles for users in the
Marketing Users group and then transfer user management to Salesforce


Available in All Account
Engagement Editions


To assign Salesforce users
to business units
Customize Application
and Manage Users
To enable Salesforce User
Sync or transfer user
management to Salesforce
Account Engagement
Administrator role


After your Salesforce admin has assigned users to Account Engagement your Account Engagement
admin can map Salesforce profiles to user roles in Account Engagement Then the Account
Engagement admin transfers user management to Salesforce to create an Account Engagement
profile for users assigned from Salesforce
Open the Salesforce Connector page

In Account Engagement select Admin and then select Connectors Click
Salesforce Connector and select Edit

next to the

In the Lightning app select Account Engagement Settings and then Connectors Click
next to the Salesforce connector and select Edit Settings
Click the User Sync tab
Review the default user roles for each Salesforce profile If needed use the dropdowns to change
the assigned roles You can come back and edit the profiletorole mapping table later


Available in Account
Engagement business units
created after July
or with Salesforce User Sync
enabled before that date


To transfer user
management to Salesforce
Account Engagement
Administrator role

Save your changes and then click Opt In to transfer user management to Salesforce
After user management is transferred a profile is created for each user assigned in Salesforce User changes in Salesforce typically take
about minutes to take effect


Update Profile and Role Mapping
