Sales Ai For Everyone
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Einstein Opportunity Scoring for
Salesforce Spring
Last updated January
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Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Everyone
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Understand How Einstein Scores Your Opportunities
Considerations for Setting Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Set Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Sales Cloud Users
Manage Sales Cloud Users Access to Einstein Features
Artificial intelligence which boosts sales with invaluable insights and predictions is a musthave
for sales teams competing in todays marketplace If your org meets specific requirements all Sales
Cloud users have access to Salesfores AI technologyEinsteinwithout an extra cost Specifically
you have access to Einstein Opportunity Scoring Review information about the feature Plus see
how easy it is to get started with Einstein
Note If you have questions as to whether your org meets the requirements for Sales Cloud
Einstein features at no extra cost talk to your Salesforce account executive
The information in this guide is summarized in a short video
Watch Now English only
Available in Lightning
Experience and Salesforce
Available in Enterprise
Performance and
Unlimited Editions
Let artificial intelligence help you and your team focus on the right opportunities so you can close
more deals Each opportunity is given a score from to which is available on opportunity records
and list views If you use Collaborative Forecasts opportunity scores are also available on the forecasts
page Plus use scores with reports Process Builder and workflows Einstein Opportunity Scoring is
available to users with or without a Sales Cloud Einstein license
Watch a Demo
Available with Sales Cloud
Einstein which is available
in Performance and
Unlimited Editions and for
an extra cost in Enterprise
Einstein Opportunity Scoring English only
Opportunity scores tell you the likelihood that an opportunity will be won For each opportunity
score Einstein shows the factors that have contributed the most to the score both positively and
Available in Lightning
Experience and Salesforce
Available to eligible
customers for no extra cost
in Enterprise Performance
and Unlimited Editions
In Lightning Experience the score is shown on the compact layout of opportunity records or on the Details tab Hover over the score
to see a list of factors that contribute to the score For example a score could be relatively high because the opportunity is moving
quickly through the stages compared to other opportunities
In Salesforce Classic the score is shown on the record detail of opportunity records The contributing factors are shown
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
You can add the Opportunity Score field to any of your opportunity list views If you dont see the score on public list views ask your
Salesforce admin to add it In Lightning Experience hover over the score in the list view to see the factors that contribute to the score
In Salesforce Classic the contributing factors arent available from the list views Instead navigate to the opportunity record detail page
If you use Collaborative Forecasts admins can add opportunity scores to the opportunity list on the forecasts page
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Understand How Einstein Scores Your Opportunities
Understand How Einstein Scores Your Opportunities
Learn about the process Einstein uses to predict which opportunities are most likely to be won
Einstein Opportunity Scoring uses data science and machine learning to score your opportunities
so that you can prioritize them By using machine learning Einstein Opportunity Scoring provides
a simpler faster and more accurate solution than traditional rulebased scoring approaches
Tip For a deeper dive into Einstein Opportunity Scoring check out the Model Card
The Scoring Model
To predict which opportunities are most likely to be won Einstein analyzes your and your teams
past closed opportunities both closedwon and closedlost to build a scoring model The criteria
used in the analysis includes the following
Each opportunitys record details both standard and custom fields history and related activities
The related accounts record details and some record history
Details about the related products quotes and price books
Available in Lightning
Experience and Salesforce
Available with Sales Cloud
Einstein which is available
in Performance and
Unlimited Editions and for
an extra cost in Enterprise
Available to eligible
customers for no extra cost
in Enterprise Performance
and Unlimited Editions
During setup Salesforce admins can choose whether to have Einstein consider all opportunity
records and custom fields or only a subset When Einstein builds the scoring model the omitted records and fields are ignored
If you dont have enough opportunity data to build your own predictive model Einstein uses a global model The global model uses
anonymous data from many Salesforce customers When you accumulate enough opportunity data Einstein builds a scoring model
with your data and uses the model with the better results
Once a month or whenever the admin updates the settings Einstein reanalyzes the opportunity data and the model is refreshed
Opportunity scores are updated every few hours
Factors That Contribute to Scores
For each opportunity score Einstein shows the factors that have contributed most to the score both positively and negatively Sometimes
an opportunity has a score but doesnt show any factors This could be because there are too many minor factors for any of them to help
understand how the score was calculated Or it could be because the factors are complex and therefore too difficult to summarize
Factors are based on your CRM data and accurately contribute to the score even if they seem counterintuitive For example a deal with
an enterprise customer requires extra steps such as legal review and a longer negotiation process These extra steps delay the close
date But because the delayed close date signals that the deal is progressing the delay is associated with a higher score However for
a deal with an SMB customer that doesnt include extra steps a delayed close date is associated with a lower score
When Scores Dont Appear
A score might not appear on a particular opportunity for one of the following reasons
The scores havent been calculated yet because Einstein Opportunity Scoring was recently enabled It can take around hours
before scores are available
A previously scored opportunity is closed so the score is removed
The admin excluded the opportunity from Einsteins scoring process If the opportunity was previously scored the score is removed
The opportunity was added less than six hours ago
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Considerations for Setting Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Einstein couldnt calculate scores because you dont have enough opportunity data To check your data run the Sales Cloud Einstein
If Opportunity Scoring was turned on by default scores arent available for opportunities that are related to a person account To
get scores for those opportunities turn off Einstein Opportunity Scoring and then turn it on again
When Scores Arent Recalculated
A previously scored opportunity is more than three months past its closed date Einstein gives the opportunity a default score of
Considerations for Setting Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Before setting up Einstein Opportunity Scoring consider these requirements limitations and
Note Einstein Opportunity Scoring is available to users with a Sales Cloud Einstein license
and eligible customers without a Sales Cloud Einstein license
Data Requirements and Access
You must have at least closed won opportunities in last months each with a lifespan of
at least days
You must have at least closed lost opportunities in last months each with a lifespan of
at least days
Opportunity history shows an average of one update to each closed opportunity
Use the standard opportunity Stage field because its used to calculate win rates and win rates
are used to generate scores If you change the names of the opportunity stage picklist values
make sure that the values are mapped to the correct stage type Open ClosedWon or
Available in Lightning
Experience and Salesforce
Available with Sales Cloud
Einstein which is available
in Performance and
Unlimited Editions and for
an extra cost in Enterprise
Available to eligible
customers for no extra cost
in Enterprise Performance
and Unlimited Editions
If your win rate is extremely high or low your scores could be skewed For example if your win rate is above percent you could
get a large number of opportunities with scores above To avoid skewed scores make sure that opportunities are set to the correct
closed stage A win rate is calculated by dividing the last two years of closedwon opportunities by all closed opportunities from
that same period
If you dont have enough opportunity data to build your own predictive model Einstein uses a global model The global model uses
anonymous data from many Salesforce customers When you accumulate enough opportunity data Einstein builds a scoring model
with your data and uses the model with the better results
After you turn on Einstein Opportunity Scoring it can take up to hours to analyze your data build a scoring model and add scores
to opportunities You can check the status from the Einstein Opportunity Scoring setup page If Einstein is still analyzing your data
after hours turn off Einstein Opportunity Scoring and then turn it on again or edit your settings
Depending on when you purchased Sales Cloud Einstein Einstein Opportunity Scoring might be on by default If it is scores arent
available for opportunities that are related to a person account To get scores on those opportunities turn off Einstein Opportunity
Scoring and then turn it on again
If you dont have any Sales Cloud Einstein licenses but your org meets specific requirements all users with a Salesforce user license
have access to scores on all opportunities For information about your eligibility contact Salesforce Customer Support
Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Considerations for Setting Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring
Opportunity scores are available in standard reporting and in custom report types Model factors which are used to build scoring
models are available in custom report types For examples see Create Custom Report Types for Einstein Opportunity Scoring
FieldLevel Security
For each opportunity score Einstein shows the factors that have contributed most to the score The contributing factors that sales
reps see alongside opportunity scores are dependent on the reps field access For example reps who dont have access to the
Amount field dont see factors that are based on amount Keep in mind that factors include only field names not field values For
example the Amount keeps going up factor doesnt shows amount values to any users
Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic
In Lightning Experience we show Not Available when theres no score We show Hidden when a score isnt available
because the user has limited access to opportunity scores In Salesforce Classic we show a blank value when theres no score and
when a score isnt available due to limited user access For details on why theres no score see Understand How Einstein Scores Your
In Lightning Experience when you use the Opportunity Score field in any type of filtering use null in the filter criteria when
nonnumeric values are allowed to include opportunities that Einstein hasnt calculate a score for yet Use in the filter criteria
to include opportunities that dont have scores because of limited access to opportunity scores In Salesforce Classic for the same
scenarios use null in the filter criteria when nonnumeric values are allowed
Einstein Opportunity Scoring which is part of the Sales Cloud Einstein product suite is available to
eligible customers at no extra cost Turn on Einstein and we take care of the rest
For customers without the Sales Cloud Einstein license Einstein Opportunity Scoring is
available on a rolling basis starting in the Spring release For details about timing and
eligibility contact your Salesforce account executive
Opportunity scores are available in both Salesforce Classic and Lightning Experience but
you have to turn on Einstein in Lightning Experience
When you dont have any Sales Cloud Einstein licenses Einstein Opportunity Scoring isnt
available in sandbox or for Salesforce Government Cloud customers
If youre missing the option to enable Einstein Opportunity Scoring contact Salesforce
Customer Support
To get started with Einstein follow the inapp prompts Or from Setup in Lightning Experience
enter Assisted Setup in the Quick Find Then select Assisted Setup under Einstein
Available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Available in Enterprise
Performance and
Unlimited Editions
To turn on Einstein
Opportunity Scoring For
Customize Application
AND Modify All Data
Confirm that you understand what happens when you turn on Einstein
Click Turn It On If needed review and accept the terms
Heres what happens next
We analyze your teams past opportunities to build a scoring model Building a model can take anywhere from a few hours to
a few days depending on how much data you have The model which is refreshed at regular intervals is used to generate scores
We add the Score field to your standard and custom opportunity page layouts If you use full view as your default record view
scores dont always appear in the layouts first section
We add the Opportunity Score field to the Recently Viewed list view Add the field to public opportunity list views and ask your
sales teams to add it to their own opportunity list views
We assign the Sales Cloud Einstein For Everyone permission set to all users who have a Salesforce user license Users see scores
after theyre generated You can remove access for individual users through the permission set
We create a Sales Insights Integration user and assign it to a user profile of the same name Although you see the user and profile
listed in your org theyre used only behind the scenes
Tip If you dont see scores a few days after turning on Einstein review information about how Einstein scores your opportunities
If you still need help contact Salesforce Customer Support for assistance
To customize the scoring model go to the Einstein Opportunity Scoring setup page and click Review Settings
a Read the introduction and then click Next
b Choose whether to have Einstein consider all opportunity records or only a subset when building the scoring model Then click
Next If needed define the conditions and click Next
c Choose whether to have Einstein consider all opportunity custom fields when building the scoring model Then click Next If
needed deselect the fields you want Einstein to ignore and click Next
d Review your settings Then click Start to begin the scoring process
Set Up Einstein Opportunity Scoring for Sales Cloud Users
It can take up to hours to analyze your data build a new scoring model and update scores To check the status return to the
Einstein Opportunity Scoring setup page
Einstein Opportunity Scoring which is part of the Sales Cloud Einstein product suite is available to
eligible customers at no extra cost Access is available through the Sales Cloud Einstein For Everyone
permission set Review who has access to the permission set whats included and how to manage
user assignments
The Sales Cloud Einstein For Everyone permission set is intended for users who dont have a Sales
Cloud Einstein license For details about whether the permission set is available to you contact your
Salesforce account executive
The Sales Cloud Einstein For Everyone permission set includes the following permissions
Enabled by Default
Use Einstein Opportunity
Lets users see opportunity
scores which indicate which
deals are more likely to close
View Opportunity Scoring
Model Factors
Lets users see all factors used
by Opportunity Scoring to build
scoring models Scoring models
are used to score individual
records Users who can view
model factors can sometimes
see the object data and
objectrelated data used to
build the models regardless of
their sharing settings
No Clone the Sales Cloud
Einstein For Everyone
permission set enable the
permission and assign the
permission set to users
From Setup enter Permission Sets in the Quick Find Then select Permission Sets
Click the Sales Cloud Einstein For Everyone permission set
Click Manage Assignments Add and remove assignments as needed
Available in Salesforce
Classic and Lightning
Available in Enterprise
Performance and
Unlimited Editions
To create permission sets
Manage Profiles and
Permission Sets
To assign permission sets
Assign Permission Sets