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Salesforce Forecastsetup Cheatsheet

Salesforce Forecastsetup Cheatsheet


First things first !
To download this implementation guide, click the download button below.
If you need more information about the implementation guide, you can read the Table of Contents below.



Customizable forecasts
allow you to personalize
Salesforce with your
organizations process for
forecasting sales To begin
customize the settings
described below to control
how your opportunities
contribute to forecasts

Getting Started
Note Customizable Forecasting is scheduled for retirement for all customers as of Summer
After the feature is retired users cant access the Customizable Forecasting feature and its underlying
data We encourage you to migrate to Collaborative Forecasts For more information see
Customizable Forecasting Will Be Retired in the Summer Release The following information
applies to Customizable Forecasting and not Collaborative Forecasts
Customizable forecasting is a powerful tool for your organization to use when forecasting the value of
upcoming deals Follow these steps to get started using customizable forecasting by incorporating your
forecasting process into Salesforce
Define your fiscal year
Set forecast settings such as date type default view and sharing

Before you begin

Customize your forecast hierarchy

After you enable
customizable forecasting
your forecasts still depend on
how your Opportunity
Stage picklist values map
to Forecast
Categories Check these
mappings from the object
management settings for
opportunities From Setup
enter Opportunities in
the Quick Find box
then select Fields

Enable customizable forecasting
Set user permissions

Defining Your Fiscal Year
Define your fiscal year using standard fiscal years or custom fiscal years Standard fiscal years follow the
Gregorian calendar but can start in any month Custom fiscal years allow you to flexibly define a fiscal
year that meets your exact needs See the online help for more details on fiscal years

From Setup enter Fiscal
Year in the Quick Find
box then select Fiscal Year
to set the fiscal year for your

Last updated March

Setting Up Customizable Forecasting

Setting Forecast Data Aggregation Default View and Sharing

Setting Forecast Data Aggregation Default View and
From Setup enter
Forecasts in the Quick
Find box then select
Forecasts Settings to set
various settings such as the
forecast period date type
sharing and default forecast
display for users

Forecast Revenue and Forecast Quantitytells Salesforce whether to include revenue
or quantity amounts on forecasts You can choose either one or both
Forecast Periodtells Salesforce what time periods to use when forecasting The options
available depend on the type of fiscal year you have
Forecast Datetells Salesforce what date to use when determining when an opportunity
contributes to a particular forecast
If your organization does not use products Salesforce automatically selects Opportunity
Close Date This tells Salesforce to use the close date on an opportunity when applying its
amount to the users forecast
Choose Product Date if you want Salesforce to use the date from the products on the
opportunity when applying the amount to a users forecast When opportunities do not have
products or the product date is blank Salesforce uses the Opportunity Close Date
Choose Schedule Date to have Salesforce use the revenue schedule date when applying
the amount to a users forecast If a product does not have a revenue schedule Salesforce uses
the Product Date instead
Forecast Typetells Salesforce how many forecasts your users plan to submit for a period This
is based on whether you are using product families
If your organization does not use products Salesforce automatically selects Use Overall
Forecast This tells Salesforce that your users have one quota and one forecast per period
Choose Use Product Families if you have more than one product family and you want
users to submit separate forecasts for each family
Forecast Summary Default ViewWhen users click the Forecasts tab they will be able
to view all the forecasts in a specified range Users can change the range displayed but the default
remains the same for all users
Forecast Data Sharingenables the ability for users to manually extend sharing privileges
for forecast data The sharing settings for each forecast are controlled on the forecast hierarchy

Customizing Your Forecast Hierarchy

Every user that uses forecasting should be in your forecast hierarchy A forecast hierarchy is a multilevel

structure of users that determines how users forecasts roll up through the hierarchy It is based on the
role hierarchy for your organization
For deals to roll up properly designate one user in each management role as the forecast manager
for that role All subordinate forecasts roll up to the designated forecast manager

If more than one user is assigned to a management role such as a VP of sales and an executive assistant

select the VP as the forecast manager for that role so that forecasts from subordinates roll up to the

VP The executive assistant can still submit forecasts but forecasts will not roll up through him or her

If you have a role in your role hierarchy that should not generate a forecast do not assign a forecast
manager to that role This indicates that the role is nonforecasting

Setting Up Customizable Forecasting

Enabling Customizable Forecasting

If you have users who are not in sales and do not have a quota disable forecasting for them To do
this deselect the Allow Forecasting checkbox from Setup by entering Users in the Quick
Find box then selecting Users and choosing Edit
To disable several users at a time from forecasts from Setup enter Forecasts Hierarchy in
the Quick Find box then select Forecasts Hierarchy Then click the Enable Users link next to
the role name
Disable the appropriate users by selecting their names and clicking Remove Users listed in the
Available Users box do not have Allow Forecasting checked on their user information page
Forecast sharing can be configured using the forecast hierarchy

Enabling and Disabling Forecasting for Users
From Setup enter Forecasts Hierarchy in the Quick Find box then select Forecasts
Click Enable Users next to a role to view a list of forecastenabled users in that role To disable
forecasting for a user select the user from the Forecast Enabled Users box and click Remove to move
the user to the Available Users box To enable forecasting for a user select that the user in the Available
Users box and click Add
Click Assign Manager next to a management role to assign a single user as the forecast manager
Forecasts for subordinate users roll up to this user If no users are available check your role hierarchy
or follow the step above to enable forecast users for the selected role

Enabling Customizable Forecasting
From Setup enter

Hierarchy in the Quick
Find box then select
Forecasts Hierarchy and
click Enable Customizable
Forecasting to turn on
customizable forecasting for
your organization

You are now ready to deploy customizable forecasting to your organization To turn off the old Forecasts
tab and display the new one enable customizable forecasting see sidebar
After you enable customizable forecasting users can click the Forecasts tab to view and submit their
forecasts Administrators can also submit forecasts for all users using a Batch Submit option that becomes
available once you enable forecasting From Setup enter Batch Submit in the Quick Find box
then select Batch Submit Forecasts to submit forecasts for multiple users at once

Setting Up Customizable Forecasting

Setting User Permissions

Setting User Permissions

To enable permissions in
permission sets from
Setup enter

Determine which users need the following new permissions
Override ForecastsAllows users to override their own forecasts as well as forecasts for users that
report directly to them Salesforce automatically adds this to all standard profiles except Read Only

Permission Sets

Edit Personal QuotaAllows users to change their individual quotas Salesforce automatically adds
this to all standard profiles except Read Only

in the Quick Find
box then select
Permission Sets

View All ForecastsAllows users to view any forecast regardless of the forecast hierarchy Any user
who has the View All Data permission will get this permission Disable it in your custom profiles
where necessary

To enable permissions in
profiles from Setup
enter Profiles in the
Quick Find box
then select Profiles

For more information on user permissions and settings see User Permissions and Access
Regardless of the user permissions administrators can always edit any quota and users can always edit
the quotas of users that report directly to them

Add the Opportunity
Forecasts related list to
the opportunity page
layout for the
appropriate user profiles
