Salesforce Report Cross Filters Cheatsheet
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If you need more information about the implementation guide, you can read the Table of Contents below.
Filter Across Objects with Cross Filters
Use cross filters to include or
exclude records in your
report results based on
related objects and their
Use a cross filter to finetune your results by including or excluding records from related objects and their
fields without having to write formulas or code You can apply cross filters by themselves or in combination
with field filters
Watch a video
How to Use Cross Filters Lightning Experience
Using Cross Filters in Reports Salesforce Classic
To see which accounts have escalated cases create an accounts report and add a cross filter Set the cross
filter to show accounts with cases Then filter cases for status equals escalated
Create a Cross Filter
Use cross filters to include or exclude records in your report results based on related objects and their
Watch a video
How to Use Cross Filters Lightning Experience
Last updated March
Using Cross Filters in Reports
Create a Cross Filter
Using Cross Filters in Reports Salesforce Classic
To see which accounts have escalated cases create an accounts report and add a cross filter Set the cross
filter to show accounts with cases Then filter cases for status equals escalated
Cross filters are available in both Lightning Experience and Salesforce Classic Cross filters that you create
in Lightning Experience work in Salesforce Classic and vice versa
The steps for creating a cross filter are a little different depending on whether youre using Lightning
Experience or Salesforce Classic Follow the instructions based on whether youre using the Lightning
Experience or the Salesforce Classic report builder
Create a Cross Filter in the Lightning Experience Report Builder
Edit or create a report
From the FILTERS tab click
Add Cross Filter
Choose whether to show your primary object with or without a secondary object Then choose
the secondary object
Click Apply
Optionally to add a filter to the secondary object click Add Secondary Object Filter
where Secondary Object is the name of the secondary object
a Choose a field from the secondary object
b Specify an operator and values for the secondary object filter
c Click Apply
Click Save
Using Cross Filters in Reports
Example Use WITH in Cross Filters
Create a Cross Filter in the Salesforce Classic Report Builder
Edit or create a report
From the Filters pane click Add Cross Filter
Select a parent object from the dropdown list Your choice determines which related objects you
see in the child object list
Tip In report types based on Campaigns the parent object can be the secondary object
in the report type For example in a Campaigns with Leads report the parent object can
be Campaigns or Leads
Choose with or without
Select a child object from the dropdown or search by its name The dropdown list contains all
eligible child objects of your selected parent object
Optionally to add filters on the secondary object add subfilters
a Click Add Secondary Object Filter where Secondary Object is the name of
the secondary object
b Select a field The fields are determined by the child object in the cross filter For example if
your cross filter is Accounts with Cases you can use case fields for your subfilter
c Choose a filter operator
d Enter a value
Click OK
Click Save
The report filters based on the primarysecondary object relationship and any additional filters on the
secondary object
Note In Lightning Experience although cross filters still filter the report they do not appear in the
Filters panel on the report run page If you have permission to edit a report you can view cross filters
in the report builder
Example Use WITH in Cross Filters
Use cross filters to filter a report by an objects child objects using WITH conditions For example filter a
report to show just accounts with cases
Lets say a recent campaign in California won you a lot of new customers You want to ensure that their
customer cases get resolved quickly You can create a report to see which of those accounts currently
have cases
Find Accounts with Cases in the Lightning Experience Report Builder
Edit or create a report based on the Accounts report type
Create a filter where Billing StateProvince equals CA and click OK
Now your report shows all accounts in California To see Californian accounts with cases lets add
a cross filter Accounts with Cases
Add Cross Filter
Using Cross Filters in Reports
Example Use WITHOUT in Cross Filters
From the Show Me dropdown select Accounts
From the Operator dropdown select with
From the Secondary Object dropdown select Cases
Click Apply
Click Save
Find Accounts with Cases in the Salesforce Classic Report Builder
Edit or create a report based on the Accounts report type
Create a field filter where Billing StateProvince equals CA and click OK
Now your report shows all accounts in California To see Californian accounts with cases lets add
a cross filter Accounts with Cases
From the Filters pane click Add Cross Filter
From the Primary Object dropdown left of the operator choose Accounts
From the operator dropdown choose with
From the Secondary Object dropdown right of the operator choose Cases
Click OK
Click Save
When you run the report the results include only California accounts with associated cases
Example Use WITHOUT in Cross Filters
Use cross filters to filter a report by an objects child objects using WITHOUT conditions For example filter
a report to show just contacts without activities
Lets say that youve just imported a list of California accounts and you want to find which ones are missing
contacts before you assign owners
Find Accounts with Missing Contacts in the Lightning Experience Report Builder
Edit or create a report based on the Accounts report type
Create a filter where Billing StateProvince equals CA and click OK
Now your report shows all accounts in California To see Californian accounts without contacts
lets add a cross filter Accounts without Contacts
Add Cross Filter
From the Show Me dropdown select Accounts
From the Operator dropdown select without
From the Secondary Object dropdown select Contacts
Click Apply
Click Save
Find Accounts with Missing Contacts in the Salesforce Classic Report Builder
Edit or create a report based on the Accounts report type
Create a field filter where Billing StateProvince equals CA and click OK
Using Cross Filters in Reports
Example Multiple Cross Filters and a Subfilter
Now your report shows all accounts in California To see Californian accounts without contacts
lets add a cross filter Accounts without Contacts
From the Filters pane click Add Cross Filter
From the Primary Object dropdown left of the operator choose Accounts
From the operator dropdown choose without
From the Secondary Object dropdown right of the operator choose Contacts
Click OK
Click Save
When you run the report the results include only California accounts without an associated contact
Example Multiple Cross Filters and a Subfilter
Use cross filters to filter a report by an objects child objects using both WITH and WITHOUT conditions
For example filter a report to show accounts that have cases but dont have activities
Say youre a salesperson who wants to see which customer accounts have unresolved escalations because
you want to ensure that your support team takes care of them
Find Accounts with Escalated Cases and without Activities in the Lightning Experience Report
Edit or create a report based on the Accounts report type
Add Cross Filter
From the Show Me dropdown select Accounts
From the Operator dropdown select with
From the Secondary Object dropdown select Cases
Click Apply
The report now shows Accounts that have Cases
Refine the cross filter so that the report shows Accounts that have Escalated Cases
a Click Add Cases Filter
b Select Status
c Select Escalated
d Click Apply
Now add another cross filter so that the report shows only Accounts without Activities
Add Cross Filter
From the Show Me dropdown select Accounts
From the Operator dropdown select without
From the Secondary Object dropdown select Activities
Click Apply
Click Save
Using Cross Filters in Reports
Cross Filter Considerations and Limits
Find Accounts with Escalated Cases and without Activities in the Salesforce Classic Report Builder
Edit or create a report based on the Accounts report type
From the Filters pane click Add Cross Filter
From the Primary Object dropdown left of the operator choose Accounts
From the operator dropdown choose with
From the Secondary Object dropdown right of the operator choose Cases
Refine the cross filter so that the report shows Accounts that have Escalated Cases
a Click Add Cases Filter
b From the Case Field dropdown select Status
c From the Operator dropdown select equals
d From the picklist lookup enter or select Escalated
Click OK
Now add another cross filter so that the report shows only Accounts without Activities
From the Filters pane click Add Cross Filter
From the Primary Object dropdown left of the operator choose Accounts
From the operator dropdown choose with
From the Secondary Object dropdown right of the operator choose Cases
Click Save
When you run the report it will include only customer accounts with escalated cases and without activities
Cross Filter Considerations and Limits
As you create and work with cross filters take note of these considerations and limits
Adding cross filters can potentially slow down your report To avoid having the report or preview
time out limit the data returned by setting filters For example select My opportunities
for Show and Current FQ for Range instead of viewing all opportunities for all time
Since the objects available in cross filters depend on the parent object of the report type you
choose consider the related child objects before selecting a report type For example choose the
Accounts report type to filter on Accounts with Partners because Partner is a child
object of Account
Cross filters work in conjunction with your report type selection Cross filters have an AND
relationship with the report type you select Choosing a report type of Accounts with Partners
and adding a cross filter for Accounts without Partners will yield no results
In Lightning Experience although cross filters appear on the run page you cannot change their
values on the run page If you have permission to edit a report you can change cross filter values
in the report builder
When you filter on a Salesforce object ID the ID must be or characters in length and the ID
is not casesensitive
Using Cross Filters in Reports
Cross Filter Considerations and Limits
Each report can have up to cross filters
Each cross filter can have up to subfilters
Filter logic doesnt apply to cross filters