Salesforce Workbench Cheatsheet
First things first !
To download this implementation guide, click the download button below.
If you need more information about the implementation guide, you can read the Table of Contents below.
The Translation Workbench
filters your customizations so
your translators can translate
in one interface You can
also track changes to
translated customizations
and override translations
from managed packages
Set Up the Translation Workbench
Getting Started
The Translation Workbench lets you specify languages you want to translate assign translators to languages
create translations for customizations youve made to your Salesforce organization and override labels
and translations from managed packages Everything from custom picklist values to custom fields can be
translated so your global users can use all of Salesforce in their language
Enabling the Translation Workbench makes these changes to your Salesforce org
You must edit picklist values individually You cant massedit existing picklist values but you can still
massadd new values
When picklist values are sorted alphabetically the values are alphabetical by the orgs default language
Reports have a Filter Language dropdown list in the Filters pane of the report builder Selecting a
language filters on translated strings for any filter criteria that use the starts with contains
or does not contain operator
Import files have a Language dropdown list and all records and values within the import file must
be in the selected language
WebtoLead and WebtoCase have a Language dropdown list before you generate the HTML
From Setup enter Translation Settings in the Quick Find box then select Translation
On the welcome page click Enable
Note The Manage Translation permission is enabled by default in the System Administrator
To disable the Translation Workbench from Setup enter Translation Settings in the Quick
Find box select Translation Settings and then click Disable
Note In a Developer organization with a managed package containing translations once the
Translation Workbench is enabled it cant be disabled
Last updated July
Setting Up the Translation Workbench
Adding Translated Languages and Translators
Adding Translated Languages and Translators
Who are translators
From Setup enter Translation Settings in the Quick Find box then select Translation
Click Add to activate a new language or Edit to change an existing supported language
A translator is any user
who is designated to
translate for a specific
Translators must have
the View Salesforce
permission to access the
setup pages
If adding a new language choose a language
To make the entered translations available to your users select Active Users can change their
personal language anytime whether or not its active in the Translation Workbench Selecting Active
makes the translations available to the users in that language
Tip We recommend you dont make a language active until the translators have translated all
To assign translators for this language select them from the Available List and click Add If
you dont see the member you want to add enter keywords in the search box and click Find
Important Ensure all translators have the View Setup and Configuration permission so that
they can begin translating Users can only translate languages theyre assigned to
Click Save
Entering and Overriding Translations
Do one of the following
To translate customizations made to your Salesforce organization from Setup enter Translate
in the Quick Find box then select Translate
To override translations from managed packages from Setup enter Override in the Quick
Find box then select Override
If you are overriding translations in managed packages select the Package you are overriding
Select the Language youre translating into
Select a Setup Component Click the pulldown menu to select from the list of translatable
customizations See Translatable Customizations for a complete list of possible customizations
If necessary select an object and aspect For example workflow tasks have an object Account Contact
etc and aspect Subject or Comment
Double click in the translation column to enter new values You can press TAB to advance to the next
editable field or SHIFTTAB to go to the previous editable field
Note The Out of Date column indicates that the item has been updated and the term
may need translating When editing a button or link label you see the Button or Link
Name column which is used to refer to the component when using the SOAP API
Click Save
Setting Up the Translation Workbench
Best Practices for the Translation Workbench
Best Practices for the Translation Workbench
If a customized
component has no
translated value users
see the value in the orgs
default language
When a language is
deactivated all
translations for that
language are still
available in the
Translation Workbench
Users with that language
selected see the orgs
default language values
Let translators know which languages they are responsible for translating
Notify all translators when new translated components are added to your org
Advise users when customizing reports or list views to use filter criteria values in their personal language
However if they use the starts with or contains operators advise them to choose the
language of the filter criteria values they entered
When creating a custom report type that will be translated into multiple languages via the Translation
Workbench we recommend that you set your personal language to match your orgs default language
This ensures that words that are translated display in the correct language for translators
Salesforce assumes that all customizations are entered in the orgs default language Global
administrators should work together in the orgs default language