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Sharing Architecture

Sharing Architecture


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A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Salesforce Spring

Last updated June

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Types of Data Access
Customer Implementation Scenarios


The Salesforce sharing model is an essential element in your organizations ability to provide secure application data access Therefore
its crucial to architect your sharing model correctly to meet your current and future data access requirements In this document well
review data accessibility components sharing model use cases and real customer sharing solutions and well provide some troubleshooting

Intended Audience and Prerequisites
This document is intended for advanced system administrators and architects To understand the concepts you must have a working
knowledge of the Salesforce security and sharing model Prerequisites to this guide are
Security Implementation Guide
Lightning Platform Platform Fundamentals

Data Access Not Covered
The topics not covered in Data Accessibility Architecture
Folder access
Content access
Chatter access
Knowledge Base access
Ideas QuestionsAnswers access
Mobile data accessibility

Types of Data Access
Recordlevel security lets you give users access to some object records but not others As with most applications data access begins
with a user The application needs to know who you are before it provides access For Salesforce there are different types of users and
sometimes the level of access is different by type Instead of reviewing every attribute of every license type were going to focus on
those interesting attributes that have significant impact on data access Record ownership and full access are synonymous and
interchangeable and provide the user with the highest level of access to a record

A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Types of Data Access

Full Sharing Model Usage UsersLicenses
Most Standard Salesforce license types take full advantage of the sharing model components The license might not make a module

accessible or even some objects accessible For example the Free edition cant access any CRM objects However the sharing entities

and functionality still exists and is ready when and if the module ever does become active
High Volume Customer Portal License

High Volume Customer Portal HVPU license users including Community and Service Cloud license users do not utilize the sharing

model HVPU licenses have their own sharing model that works by foreign key match between the portal user holding the license

and the data on Account and Contact lookups HVPU license is only used for the Customer Portal and not the Partner Portal

Chatter Free License
The Chatter Free license doesnt follow the standard sharing model Chatter Free is a collaborationonly license with the following
features Chatter Profile People Groups Files Chatter Desktop and limited Salesforce app access The license doesnt have access

to CRM records standard or custom objects and Content functionality and therefore there is no sharing

For the remainder of this document we are assuming a Salesforce user type utilizing a full sharing model See User Licenses Overview
for more information about each available license type


Profiles and Permission Sets
Profiles and permission sets provide objectlevel security by determining what types of data users see and whether they can edit
create or delete records For each object the View All and Modify All permissions ignore sharing rules and settings allowing
administrators to quickly grant access to records associated with a given object across the organization These permissions are often
preferable alternatives to the View All Data and Modify All Data administrative permissions
Profiles and permission sets also control fieldlevel security which determines the fields within every object that users can access
For example an object may have fields but fieldlevel security can be set up to prevent the users from seeing five of the fields
Record Ownership and Queues
Every record must be owned by a single user or a queue The owner has access to the record based on the Object Settings for the
owners profile For example if the owners profile has Create and Read permission on an object but not Edit or Delete
permission the owner can create a record for the object and see the new record However the owner wont be able to edit or delete
the record Users higher in a hierarchy role or territory inherit the same data access as their subordinates for standard objects
Managers gain as much access as their subordinates If the subordinate has readonly access so will the manager This access applies
to records owned by users as well as records shared with them

A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Types of Data Access

Queues help you prioritize distribute and assign records to teams who share workloads Queue members and users higher in a role
hierarchy can access queues from list views and take ownership of records in a queue
If a single user owns more than records as a best practice
The user record of the owner should not hold a role in the role hierarchy
If the owners user record must hold a role the role should be at the top of the hierarchy in its own branch of the role hierarchy
OrganizationWide Defaults
Organizationwide sharing settings specify the default level of access users have to each others records You use organizationwide
sharing settings to lock down your data to the most restrictive level and then use the other recordlevel security and sharing tools
to selectively give access to other users For example lets say users have objectlevel permissions to read and edit opportunities
and the organizationwide sharing setting is ReadOnly By default those users can read all opportunity records but cant edit any
unless they own the record or are granted additional permissions Organizationwide defaults are the only way to restrict user
access to a record
Organizationwide default settings can be changed from one setting to another private to controlled by parent
then back to private however these changes require sharing recalculation and depending on volume could result in very long
processing times
For custom objects only use the Grant Access Using Hierarchies setting which if unchecked default is checked prevents managers
from inheriting access This setting is found in the organizationwide default settings
Role Hierarchy

A role hierarchy represents a level of data access that a user or group of users needs The role hierarchy ensures that managers always

have access to the same data as their employees regardless of the organizationwide default settings Role hierarchies dont have
to match your organization chart exactly Instead each role in the hierarchy should represent a level of data access that a user or
group of users needs
An organization is allowed roles however this number can be increased by Salesforce As a best practice keep the number of
nonportal roles to and the number of portal roles to
As a best practice keep the role hierarchy to no more than levels of branches in the hierarchy
When a users role changes any relevant sharing rules are evaluated to correct access as necessary Peers within the same role dont
guarantee them access to each others data
Modeling the role hierarchy begins with understanding how the organization is structured This is usually built from understanding

a managers scope starting from the top The CEO oversees the entire company The CEO usually has direct reports that can then

be segmented by Business Unit Sales or Support or geographical region EMEA APAC That person then has direct reports that

could be further segmented and so on Although this sounds very much like an HR organizational chart and we have said they

might be very much alike keep in mind when modeling data access focus on data accessibility with a consideration to HR reporting

Overlays are always the tricky part of the hierarchy If theyre in their own branch theyll require either sharing rules teams or territory
management to gain needed access If they are folded into the hierarchy there might be reporting implications
Its important to spend the time setting up the role hierarchy because its the foundation for the entire sharing model
Role Hierarchy Use Cases
Management access the ability for managers to be able to see and do whatever their subordinates can see and do
Management reporting the ability for reporting to roll up in a hierarchical fashion so that anyone higher in the hierarchy sees
more data than those below them
Segregation between organizational branches different business units dont need to see each others data having a hierarchy
in which you can define separate branches allows you to segregate visibility within business units while still rolling visibility up to
the executive levels above those units

A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Types of Data Access

Role Hierarchy Use Cases
Segregation within a role in many organizationsapplications people who all play the same role should not necessarily see each
others data Having hierarchical roles allows you to define a leaf node in which all data is essentially private and still roll that
data up to a parent role that can see all

Public Groups

A public group not Chatter group is a collection of individual users roles territories and so on that all have a function in common

Public groups can consist of
Customer Portal Users
Partner Users
Roles and Internal Subordinates
Roles Internal and Portal Subordinates
Portal Roles
Portal Roles and Subordinates
Territories and Subordinates
Other public groups nesting

Groups can be nested Group A nested into Group B however dont nest more than five levels Nesting has an impact on group

maintenance and performance due to group membership calculation As a best practice keep the total number of public groups
for an organization to
Public Groups Use Cases
When you need to provide access to an arbitrary group of people you create a public group to collect them and then use other
sharing tools to give the group the necessary access Group membership alone doesnt provide data access
Groups can also be nested inside each other therefore allowing a nested group to gain the same access as the group in which it
is contained This allows the creation of smaller adhoc hierarchies that dont necessarily interact with the role or territory hierarchies

If Group A is a member of Group B then the members of Group A will have access to data shared to Group B at the same access

level as the members of Group B

Groups also have the ability to protect data shared in the group from being made accessible to people in the role hierarchy above
the group members This and dealing with the access of record owners and their management hierarchy allows the creation of

groups in which very highly confidential information can be sharedthe data will be accessible ONLY to group members and

nobody else in the organization This is accomplished by using the Grant Access Using Hierarchies setting

Ownershipbased Sharing Rules
Ownershipbased sharing rules allow for exceptions to organizationwide default settings and the role hierarchy that give additional
users access to records they dont own Ownershipbased sharing rules are based on the record owner only
Contact ownershipbased sharing rules dont apply to private contacts
As a best practice keep the number of ownershipbased sharing rules per object to

A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Types of Data Access

Ownershipbased Sharing Rule Use Cases
Rolebased matrix management or overlay situations a person in Service needs to be able to see some Sales data but they live in
different branches of the hierarchy so you can create a rule that shares data between roles on different branches
To provide data access to peers who hold the same roleterritory
To provide data access to other groupings of users public groups portal roles territories The members of the groupings who
own the records can be shared with the members of other groupings

Criteriabased Sharing Rules
Criteriabased sharing rules provide access to records based on the records field values criteria If the criteria are met one or many
field values then a share record is created for the rule Record ownership is not a consideration
As a best practice keep the number of criteriasharing rules per object to however this can be increased by Salesforce
Criteriabased Sharing Rule Use Case
To provide data access to users or groups based on the value of a field on the record

Manual Sharing
Sometimes its impossible to define a consistent group of users who need access to a particular set of records In those situations
record owners can use manual sharing to give read and edit permissions to users who would not have access to the record any
other way Although manual sharing isnt automated like organizationwide sharing settings role hierarchies or sharing rules it
gives record owners the flexibility to share particular records with users that need to see them
Manual sharing is removed when the record owner changes or when the sharing access granted doesnt grant additional access
beyond the objects organizationwide sharing default access level This also applies to manual shares created programmatically
Only manual share records can be created on standard objects Manual share records are defined as share records with the row
cause set to manual share
All share records standard and custom objects with a row cause set to manual share can be edited and deleted by the Share button
on the objects page layout even if the share record was created programmatically
Manual Sharing Use Case
To provide the user with the ability to give access read only or readwrite to the current record to other users groups or roles


A team is a group of users that work together on an account sales opportunity or case Record owners can build a team for each

record that they own The record owner adds team members and specifies the access level each team member has to the record
Some team members can have readonly access while others have readwrite
Only owners people higher in the hierarchy and administrators can add team members and provide more access to the member

A team member with readwrite access can add another member who already has access to the record with which the team is

associated The team member cant provide them additional access
Creating a team member in the app creates two records a team record and an associated share record If you create team members
programmatically you have to manage both the team record and associated share record There is only one team per record Account
Opportunity or Case If multiple teams are needed depending on your specific needs consider territory management or programmatic

A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Types of Data Access

The team object is not a firstclass object You cant create custom fields validations rules or triggers for teams
Teams Account and Opportunity Use Cases
To provide the user with the ability to give access readonly or readwrite to a single group of users the team
If teams are managed externally say through an external commission or territory management system then integration can be
used to manage the account team There are cases when territory management in an external system can align to a team solution
within Salesforce
Multiple owners of an account can be managed by the account team

A single group of users team require either readonly or readwrite access to an opportunity record Opportunity Team

Territory Hierarchy
The territory hierarchy is a single dimensional additional hierarchy which can be structured by business units or any kind of
segmentation in a hierarchical structure When territory management is enabled you must manage both the role hierarchy and
territory hierarchy
Territories exist only on Account Opportunity and masterdetail children of Accounts and Opportunities As a best practice keep
the territory hierarchy to no more than levels of branches in the hierarchy
If the assignment rules for a territory are changed sharing rules using that territory as the source will be recalculated Likewise if the
membership of a territory changes any ownershipbased sharing rules that use the territory as the source will be recalculated
Territory Management Use Cases
Multiple groups of people multiple teams require either readonly or readwrite access to accounts
An additional hierarchical structure different from the role hierarchy is needed

A single user needs to hold multiple levels in the hierarchy

Global users GAM global account manager need to see everything from the global account downward

Account Territory Sharing Rules
Account territory sharing rules become available only when the original territory management feature has been enabled for an
organization These sharing rules provide access to Account records that have been stamped with the Territory defined in the rule
Account Territory Sharing Rule Use Case
To provide data access to accounts within a territory not based on ownership to a grouping of users Applies only to accounts
and when territory management is enabled

Programmatic Sharing
Programmatic sharing formally Apexmanaged sharing allows you to use code Apex or other to build sophisticated and dynamic
sharing settings when a data access requirement cannot be met by any other means
If you create a share record programmatically and the outofbox row cause manual share is used then you can maintain this share
record with the Share button in the app The share record is subject to all rules with the manual share row cause such as deletion
upon owner transfer

A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Customer Implementation Scenarios

Review httpsdevelopersalesforcecompageUsingApexManagedSharingtoCreateCustomRecordSharingLogic before
you consider using programmatic sharing
Programmatic Sharing Use Cases
No other method of sharing declarative meets the data access needs
There is an existing external system of truth for user access assignments which will continue to drive access and be integrated
with Salesforce
Poor performance by using native sharing components Usually applies to very large data volumes
Team functionality on custom objects

Implicit Sharing
Implicit sharing is automatic You can neither turn it off nor turn it onit is native to the application In other words this isnt a
configurable setting however its very important for any architect to understand Parent implicit sharing is providing access to parent
records account only when a user has access to children opportunities cases or contacts for that account Salesforce has a data
access policy that states if a user can see a contact or opportunity case or order then the user implicitly sees the associated account
Child implicit sharing is providing access to an accounts child records to the account owner This access is defined at the owners
role in the role hierarchy Child implicit sharing only applies to contact opportunity and case objects children of the account The
access levels that can be provided are View Edit and No access for each of the children objects when the role is created By setting
to View the account owner can implicitly see the associated object records contact opportunity or case By setting to Edit the
account owner can implicitly modify the associated object contact opportunity or case
Implicit sharing doesnt apply to custom objects

Customer Implementation Scenarios
There isnt a sharing model that fits all organizations Every organization has different requirements and challenges when trying to
architect the best sharing model Its crucial to use the most appropriate data access components to fit the sharing requirements of the
organization The following scenarios are common challenges when trying to architect a sharing model

Customer Scenario Team Assignment Managed Externally via Customer
Master System


Two in a box a sales manager of one geographic coverage area
also wants access to another geographic coverage area in order
to assist

Ownershipbased Sharing Rule An ownershipbased sharing rule
works here because these are edge cases and not the norm It is
also acceptable if the ownershipbased sharing rule provides more
access than is truly necessary because this is a manager a trusted

Countrybased operations users need access to all country sales

Ownershipbased Sharing Rule A very common use of a sharing

rule is when a different department other than sales needs access
to sales data

A Guide to Sharing Architecture

Customer Scenario Outofbox Territory Management



At least of the time there is a core team on an account
Account Executive Inside Sales Rep Sales Consultant Technical
Sales Rep The system of record for the account team assignment

is external to SFDC There is always only one team to an account

Teams Account and Opportunity Since there is always only one
team per account even if there are many different members with
different roles the account team functionality satisfies this

Managers of the team should have the same access as their

Role Hierarchy The role hierarchy solves this by allowing managers
to have access to the data of their subordinates

The assigned account team should not be modifiable

Teams Account and Opportunity This is not actually accomplished
with the account team functionality however it also shouldnt
prevent you from still using account teams There are multiple
ways of locking down the teams however for this case removing
the account team page layout is used

There needs to be buddy functionality so that when someone is Teams Account and Opportunity A buddy can simply be a role

sick or on vacation someone without standard access to an account on the team that accomplishes this requirement However the
or opportunity can be accessed and covered during the time off challenge comes from the previous requirement where Teams
should not be modifiable The only solution is to have a set group

of people who can modify teams within SFDC to create the buddy

role when necessary

When a deal requires a custom solution additional people who Teams Account and Opportunity A pretty standard usage of the

are not necessarily in the sales organization need to have access Opportunity Team accomplished by manually adding a new
to the deal
member to the Opportunity Team via related list Can also be
accomplished via a trigger if you always know who should be
added In this case it is opportunity by opportunity

Customer Scenario Outofbox Territory Management


Two different opportunity teams from two distinct business units
Retails Sales and Remarketing need access to the same account
record They should share contacts and be aware of all activities
on the account These two business units have their own hierarchy
and rollups

Territory Management The best way to think of this is having two
branches of a hierarchy that may be structured very differently
What justifies territory management is that there are two levels of
these two different branches both levels with members the
opportunity team for that business unit who need access to the
account Although you could have accomplished this with a
Teaming concept that was too granular The sales segmentation
was not a an account level but in a hierarchy

There is a separate group of business developers who are assigned
and need access to specific accounts for a specific opportunity
team a territory The business developers are shared resources
for the opportunity teams which mean each business developer
may be assigned to one or more accounts for one or more
opportunity teams

Territory Management Because this is a group of users or a team
and each business development team could be different by
account and since territory management was needed for another
reason then the likely best approach is to build out subterritories
that represent these business development teams

A Guide to Sharing Architecture




There are noncommission based sales supporting roles who need Teams Account and Opportunity The key portion of the
access to accounts on a one off basis
requirement is one off basis This means it is done on an account
by account basis so account teams provide that natively
The credit department needs access to all accounts for a given
business unit

Ownershipbased Sharing Rule This is a situation where across the
board for a given business unit a group of users needs to see
everything This could be accomplished with a sharing rule for a
role the group belongs to a branch of the role hierarchy the group
belongs to role and subordinates or even a public group

Managers should have the same access as their subordinates

Role Hierarchy The role hierarchy solves this by allowing managers
to have access to the data of their subordinates

You have exhausted all other sharing components and you still need territory management
What happens to the Role Hierarchy
Nothing happens to the role hierarchy You are now managing two hierarchies which means sharing is more complex The best

practice is to flatten or simplify the role hierarchy as much as possible If your organization is only an SFA organization with mostly

sales data it should be possible to flatten the role hierarchy and use the territory hierarchy as the sales hierarchy However if your

organization has nonsales applications like Service Cloud an HR application or a legal application then youll likely need a hefty

role hierarchy as well to satisfy those nonsales users The rule of thumb is to make your role hierarchy your nonsales hierarchy
try to flatten the sale department branches and then use the territory hierarchy as your sales hierarchy We do not recommend
making the role hierarchy and territory hierarchy identical because it will cause unnecessary sharing activity
Can You Still Use Teams
Yes However if you can satisfy your access requirements within the territory hierarchy like overlays it is better to do it there than
to use teams You are already maintaining two hierarchies role and territory so in trying to keep things as simple as possible only
implement teams if no other existing sharing component will satisfy the requirement
Realignment and Reassignment
There are two types of changes that will occur the membership of roles teams or territories and the structure of the hierarchy
Membership changes can typically occur daily even hourly Hierarchy structural realignments changes generally occur less often
quarterly semiannually or annually and can be resource expensive What needs to be considered are the volume of changes and
the number of cascading changes that each change will cause As a rule of thumb have structural changes occur no more than
quarterly and all changes of high volume bulk or mass changes be well planned tested and coordinated
Large Data Volumes
Whether you are modeling for the initial rollout or planning a realignment change you need to make some serious consideration
to the volume of data There are thresholds where performance can become a factor so testing out your changes in a sandbox is
highly recommended before production This will also give you a baseline for how long the change will take
If you have more than two million accounts and have implemented teams or Territory Management you especially need to pay
attention to performance These are complex sharing model components that can make for a huge volume of share records and
hence long running transactions
Defer Sharing Calculations
If you have an object that utilizes sharing and has a large volume of records such as more than two million accounts and you need
to make a bulk change such as a quarterly realignment requiring a hierarchy change then there is a feature that can be enabled
by Salesforce Support to defer automatic sharing calculations Natively every individual change to the role hierarchy territory

A Guide to Sharing Architecture


hierarchy groups sharing rules user roles team membership or ownership of records can initiate automatic sharing calculations
When a bulk change is made it causes a number of automatic sharing recalculations to begin By suspending these temporarily
you are able to make the change and then have sharing calculations happen all at once This is typically a more efficient and better
performing method to bulk changes
Data SkewsOwnership Skews
Data skews are defined as a few parent records with many children records This can really hurt you when a few accounts have many
contacts opportunities or cases The ratio where we start seeing performance degradation is As a best practice keep the
ratio as close to that as possible lower is preferred
Ownership skews are similar to data skews except if we are referring to a single user role or group owning a large number of records
for an object As with data skews these can also cause long running transactions causing a performance degradation when change
occurs The recommended ratio of owner to number of records is also
If a single user owns more than records as a best practice
The user record of the owner should not hold a role in the role hierarchy
If the owners user record must hold a role the role should be at the top of the hierarchy in its own branch of the role hierarchy
The Account Hierarchies Impact on Data Access

A lot of people make a very bad assumption when they implement an account hierarchy They assume the users who can access a

parent account can also access the children accounts The simple fact of only having a parentchild relationship between two records
does not drive access Although the role hierarchy and the territory hierarchy do work in this way the account hierarchy does not

Once you have completed your sharing model architecture you will likely be challenged with why a user can or cant see a record
Typically you wont hear when someone can see something they shouldnt but should that arise there is a way to see every user who
has access to a record and why
The more difficult challenge and probably more common is why a user cant see a record The security layers you have architected will
determine where you start If you know the sharing model well then you will probably know what component should have provided
the access and should start there But if you are less familiar with the sharing model start with the role hierarchy and peel back each
layer to determine which one should provide the access and make an update Here is a troubleshooting flow
Verify that the user has permissions to access to the object
Identify the users role who cant see the record and note it
Identify the owners role of the record and note it
Review the role hierarchy and verify these two roles are in two different branches they should be
Now you need to review the sharing rules for the object and make sure there is no rule that will grant the user access This can also
cause you to look in public groups as well Maybe the user just got left out of a group where there is a sharing rule or does it make
sense to create a new sharing rule to grant the user access This depends on the architecture you are trying to maintain and applies
to both ownershipbased sharing rules and criteriabased sharing rules
If you are using teams should this user be on the team for that record How are teams maintained and how did the miss occur
If manual sharing is used the user may have lost access because the record owner changed Manual shares are dropped when
ownership changes The manual share could also have been removed using the Share button
If you are using territory management is the user missing from one of the territories Where is the membership of territories
maintained and how did the miss occur Or maybe the record did not get stamped with the territory where the user is a member
If you are creating programmatic shares and there are criteria for creating the share in code review the code to understand why this
user was omitted

A Guide to Sharing Architecture


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